Unable to change name and ICON standard skin.
Abdul Wafa
Unable to change name and ICON standard skin.
Abdul Wafa
Hi Abdul,
To achieve your goal, find required GalleryItem in RibbonGalleryBarItem and set its Image, HoverImage and Caption properties. Check the following code:
Visual BasicPublic Sub New()
Dim item As GalleryItem = FindGalleryItem("DevExpress Style")
item.Image = _image
item.HoverImage = _image
item.Caption = "Custom caption"
End Sub
Private Function FindGalleryItem(ByVal text As String) As GalleryItem
For Each group As GalleryItemGroup In ribbonGalleryBarItem1.Gallery.Groups
For Each item As GalleryItem In group.Items
If item.Caption = text Then
Return item
End If
Next item
Next group
Return Nothing
End Function
I hope you find this information useful. Let me know if you have additional questions.
I've modified your project to meet your requirements. Please check it.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
To change an icon, set the Item's Glyph property. Check the following code:
Visual Basic'...
skins.ItemLinks(0).Item.Glyph = %bitmap%
Let me know if you have additional questions.
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