Ticket Q556355
Visible to All Users

Calculated fields don't work in datasource which implements IDisplayNameProvider

created 11 years ago


This week we upgraded to the new 13.2 version. Everything looks fine but now we found this problem.
In this new version, the expressions of the calculated fields are stored as translated fields.
This expressions cannot be evaluated because the field's don't extists in the datasource.

In the attached project, I created a sample project to demonstrate you the problem.
The form can open two different reports, one with a deafult datset as datasource wich works fine.
The second report has a inhereted custom datasource implementing IDisplayNameProvider. In this reports, the calculated field doesn't work.

I hope you can fix this problem for us soon, otherwise we can't use the new 13.2 version…


Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

    I have managed to reproduce this behavior. I am forwarding this issue to our developers for further processing. You will receive an automatic message once the status of this ticket is changed.

      Can we receive a hotfix ASAP?
      This problem is critic for our end-users…
      Thanks in advance.

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        Our developers are looking for a solution. I assure you that they will do their best to resolve the problem as soon as they can. However, we cannot give you any time frame at present, because our estimations may be misleading. Once the report's state has been changed, you'll receive an email notification from the Support Center. You're welcome to request a fix then.
        Thanks for your patience.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

        Hi Vekrasoft,
        It seems that the same issue was already reported in the Q554383: Fields are not recognized by their display names in the report's calculated field and filter expressions when a data source that implements IDisplayNameProvider is used thread. We will post our further updates regarding this issue there, and you will receive a notification.
        As a temporary workaround, use original field names in your expressions instead of using translated names.

          Show previous comments (4)
          A A
          Arthur (DevExpress) 11 years ago

            You are welcome.

            ET ET
            Edward Thistlethwaite 11 years ago

              We too have this issue and I do not fully understand why this has not been fixed as this used to work.
              There is no work around for us as customers already have their own reports and these will inevitably fail in their function.
              We need this fixed now!

              DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

                If you are referring to the Fields are not recognized by their display names in the report's calculated field and filter expressions when a data source that implements IDisplayNameProvider is used issue, I am glad to inform you that we have fixed this behavior. The fix will be applied starting with version v13.2.7. Please refer to the "Implementation details" section in this ticket for additional information on how to fix customer reports after applying the hotfix.
                If your situation is different, please create a separate ticket and describe the actual situation there.

                Other Answers

                created 11 years ago

                Unable to make this change in the solution, this involves making changes and rework development not contemplated when the solution is delivered for you, are too many objects.I require a prompt solution as production reports are failing

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