Ticket Q537613
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Instant feed back mode with a table not known in advance

created 11 years ago

Can instant feed back be used with a table not known in advance to display data from it ?
Do you have a sample example on that ?
thank you.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

We provide a few data source components to enable Instant Feedback mode. A complete list is available in this article: Server Mode.
Each data source is specific to certain ORM. So, if you wish to connect to an arbitrary database without knowing in advance the database schema, you need to choose the ORM that supports this feature.
I am afraid that I do not know whether or not third-party ORMs provide such a capability. However, our eXpress Persistent Objects allows you to implement this feature. This technique is described in detail in the following Knowledge Base article: How to create persistent metadata on the fly and load data from an arbitrary table.

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