Ticket Q537236
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ScrollIntoView Not working

created 11 years ago


i am using DxGrid to show the data. I am using ScrillIntoView method to scroll the grid at specific row position But it is not working. when i enter a new row i am changing the row color by its rowhandle. but when i pass same same row handle to scrollintoView it didn't work, and it is compulsory to have focused row as newItemRow after adding the new record. Is there a way to achieve this. I have attached a solution please update that.


Naveen Kr .Singh

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hello Naveen,
To resolve this issue, wrap your code with the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke method:

private void LocationView_ValidateRow(object sender, GridRowValidationEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { LocationView.SelectRow(LocationGrid.GetRowHandleByListIndex(LocationList.Count - 1)); LocationView.FocusedRowHandle = GridControl.NewItemRowHandle; LocationView.ScrollIntoView(LocationGrid.GetRowHandleByListIndex(LocationList.Count - 1)); })); }
    Comments (2)
    N N
    Naveen Kumar Singh 11 years ago

      Thanks Alexander

      DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

        You are welcome, Naveen.
        Feel free to contact us should you need further assistance.

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