Hello, I send you my translations in French in the Modified_values_fr.csv. Can you publish satellite assemblies for modules i have translated ?
Thanks Florent.
Hello, I send you my translations in French in the Modified_values_fr.csv. Can you publish satellite assemblies for modules i have translated ?
Thanks Florent.
Hi Florent,
Right, we have not integrated your translations of standard XAF modules. I also wanted to inform you that we stopped providing them until we develop a simpler process or integration with the new localization service. I am afraid I cannot provide any ETA for this, because we have not planned this implementation for any release yet. Frankly, I should say that currently the priority of this request is relatively low as compared to other feature requests from customers, because according to our stats, only 15 of our users have submitted their own translations to us in the last three years. It all looks like the majority of users just localize strings once for their application or shared module via the Localization Tool and then reuse these XAFML files or modules in other apps.
To achieve better reusablity of translations over different XAF applications, we suggest you take over one of the following approaches:
- Localize all standard XAF module captions via the Model Editor invoked for the executable application project and then share the resultant Model.XAFML files with actual translations;
- Create a new XAF module, modify its ResourcesExportedToModel property via the Module Designer and then localize all standard XAF module captions via the Model Editor invoked for its Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml file. Then you can reuse this module in other applications by adding it as any other extra modules via the Module or Application Designers.
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Hello Florent,
Thank you for submitting your localizations. We need some time to integrate them into our internal build system and provide you with localized assemblies. You will be automatically notified via email when this is done.
Hello Dennis,
Could I have some news about my localizations and a submission date for the localized assemblies.
Florent, thank you for the update. I am afraid we have not yet integrated your localizations. Once we do this, we will inform you via email. Thank you for your patience.
Hello Florent,
I regret to inform that we have to delay integration of your translations, because of specifics of the internal process. Currently, it has some automatic and manual steps, because we consider translations that reside within the XAFML files. Due to this, this process is quite time consuming and after testing it with other customers we confirmed that it should be improved to switch to using the default mechanism via resource files instead of the application model. This way you will be able to use our localization service as described at https://community.devexpress.com/blogs/ctodx/archive/2013/11/07/localizing-your-net-app-now-with-custom-translations.aspx and can request satellite assemblies very quickly and at any time you want. Supporting this localization service requires us to perform additional R&D, which cannot be done immediately, especially taking into account the upcoming 13.2 release. We do not currently have free resources for this, but we hope to get back to this task after the 13.2 release. In any event, we will keep you updated via email.
For now, I can only advise you to localize your application without using satellite assemblies but using pure XAF means described at http://documentation.devexpress.com/#Xaf/CustomDocument3298.
I apologize for all the inconvenience here.
Hello Dennis,
Finally, you didn't include my translations into the satellites assemblies dor 13.2 ?
For example, I saw that the "Log off" text that the traduction in french is "Déconnexion" is not translated.
For the future version, you won't include anymore the translations made by the users into the satellites assemblies and the translations will be asked by the "Localization Service" ?