Ticket Q515784
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Show legend for Pie Chart

created 12 years ago

We are using Dashboard Designer control in a Windows Forms project to design our dashboards. As you can see in the attached screen shot, we were able to define a legend for bar chart. However, we were unable to define a legend for Pie Charts. Please let us know how to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

The current version of the Dashboard Suite does not provide a way to show a legend in the dashboard Pie Item. In our opinion, it should be enough to customize label content to show all required data ( Pies Tools -> Layout & Style -> Data Labels). If the provided options do not meet your needs, please clarify your task in greater detail, and we will consider whether or not it is possible to provide an alternative solution for you.

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    KB KB
    Krystina Burke 6 years ago

      cleaner with small labels and imagine a legend…

      M M
      Michael Proctor [DX-Squad] 5 years ago

        I agree with Vincent, there is the ability to use a Global color scheme which makes it easy to configure a similar look across multiple data visualisations, however there isn't a way to show what the value of the color of visualisation means.

        If there was the ability to show the Legend in at least 1 pie then as per Vincents images you can have the rest without labels or legends. Ideally the ability to have a "Legend Widget" which displays a Legend of a Global Color Pallete would be best with the ability to show horizontally, vertically etc would be great as we could just add the Legend Widget and select the pallete to show and place in a suitable spot.

        Just my 2 cents ;)

        Sergi (DevExpress) 5 years ago

          Hi Michael,

          Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We will take your idea into account when planning future dashboard control enhancements.

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