Ticket Q510382
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Pivot Control and Chart: print the chart, show the chart where line for the each column.

created 12 years ago

I have the PivotControl which have two DataArea fields: plan and fact. One RowArea field: product. One ColumnArea field: data (twelve month of year).
Is it possible to print the chart?
When I select one row I get one line http://screencast.com/t/6Y1oAL1H9, where 24 position on the X axis.
1,3,5,…,23 position from Plan column.
2,4,6,…,24 position from Fact column.
But I'd like to get two lines. Where first line is for the Plan column and second is for the Fact column. And only 12 position.
Is it possible?
If I have 3 columns is it possible exclude any from the chart?

Thanks in advance.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

To accomplish this task, place data fields into the Row Area by setting the PivotGrid.OptionsDataField.Area property to RowArea.

    Show previous comments (4)
    DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

      I have updated this sample. There is no easy way to display one pivot row as two series in the Chart control. So, I suggest that you change the fields' layout in the Pivot as described in the sample. With this project, you can select two columns (for example, Product A-Price and Product A-Price(avg)) to display the necessary series.

        Strange. Because John said
        >>Attached is a small sample project that illustrates how to customize PivotGrid layout, so that ChartControl automatically >>creates two series when a row is selected.
        Unfortunately, I can not change layout of fields. And your example can't help me.
        Also I didn't get an answer on question "How to exclude information about any columns from the chart when I select one row?"
        In your example I set pivotControl.OptionsChartDataSource.ProvideDataByColumns = false
        First case) I select one row (day in the example) and I'd like to see one series only for the Price columns without hiding the Price(avg) columns. Exclude Price(avg) arguments and values from the chart.
        Second case) I select one row and I'd like to see two series for the Price and for the Price(avg) columns.
        I tried to do that but I couldn't find the CustomChartDataSourceColumns event like CustomChartDataSourceRows.
        Is is possible? May be exist some custom event?
        Thanks in advance.

        DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

          You will find helpful information on how to accomplish this task in the How to highlight pivot cells that correspond to a series point under the mouse pointer example.

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