I have created a data service using the WCF OData Service. However when adding the Multi-Channel application and read from DataService using the Discover button in the wizard window I get the error that " data service does not support JSONP and/or CORS" *(Screenshot attached).
How can I add the JSONP support for my DataService?
Thanks & Regards
Hi Iman,
Thank you for your interest in our product. I have created a sample project using the DXTREME WCF OData Service project template, but have not managed to reproduce the issue on my side. Attached are the OData Service project and a corresponding DXTREME application. Please test them and let us know of your results.
Thank you for your respond Nikolai.
It seems it's working just fine now. Not sure what caused the issue earlier.
If you need further assistance with this subject, please feel free to contact us.
I've the same issue. It is necessary Upgrade EntityFramework to 6.x version.
With VS2012
a) Tools - Library Package Manager - Package Manager Console and Run
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.OData.EntityFrameworkProvider -Pre ====> Successfully added 'Microsoft.OData.EntityFrameworkProvider 1.0.0-alpha2' to DataService.
Same problem when deselect "Use IIS Express" option in Web section in Project Properties. See attached picture.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Guys,
We kindly ask you not to post your questions to tickets that were created by other customers. If you wish to discuss any problem, please create a new thread. Post all messages regarding these issues in these tickets.
OData service - Enable JSONP / CORS
OData service - Enable JSONP / CORS