Ticket Q502150
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

The OutOfMemoryException is thrown in an ASP.NET MVC application with DevExpress controls v13.1

Performance issue after installing 13.1

created 12 years ago

I'm facing a preference issue using Build 13.1.4.
two web applications with different build running on the same Web Server (different port) and connected to the same SQL Database.
the issue is the previous build 12.2.10 runs 4 times faster than the current build.
I have tried to swap between the applications / ports and it's the same issue.
find attached screenshot.

can you please advise.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Gadi,
This issue seems to be related to the The OutOfMemoryException is thrown in an ASP.NET MVC application with DevExpress controls v13.1 bug. I see that the exception isn't thrown in your case; however, based on our information, exactly that bug is involved here too.

    Show previous comments (3)

      this is a critical problem for me, I can't release my application using the new build with such poor performance.
      hope it's top urgent issue for you as well.
      looking for your update…

        I have received a notification about the above related issue that is fixed.
        Is it going to solve my problem as well?

        Vasily (DevExpress Support) 12 years ago

          Hi Gadi,
          The hotfix for B236539 (The OutOfMemoryException is thrown in an ASP.NET MVC application with DevExpress controls v13.1) bug is already requested and we are working on it. You will receive an email notification once it is ready. Please notify us if this issue is resolved for you once you download and apply this hotfix. We are looking forward to your response.

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