I have an ASPxFileManager that I bind to a datatable
<dx:ASPxFileManager AllowResize="true" ID="filemanager" runat="server" Theme="DevEx" EnableTheming="True" Width="100%" SettingsUpload-Enabled="false" OnCustomThumbnail="fileManager_CustomThumbnail" OnFileDownloading="filemanager_FileDownloading" >
<SettingsDataSource KeyFieldName="admin:id" ParentKeyFieldName="admin:parentid" NameFieldName="NameAndAttachment" IsFolderFieldName="IsFolder" />
Both in my code-behind and on the client-side I want to access the KeyFieldName of the file or folder. In the event I can find the filename e.File.Name alright and some other fields, but I can't identify the KeyFieldName. On the client-side I'm even more hopelessly lost to find this
Can you please help me?