Hi there…
Have been working with the ASPxGridview, and its autofilter feature, but…
I would like to have the filter being applied to use the Like search feature as standard.
Yes, can get it show in the the search-menu options, but each time the user enters the page, its reverted back to that the entered text has to what it starts with - where as I want it to use the Like function instead.
Have been looking arround, but can ́t find a way to set this in the filter-functions (?)
Then I tried to catch the filter being entered through the AutoFilterCellEditorCreate event - and this worked, but how do I get hold of what the user has entered (text) in the autofilter box ? My idea was to apply the filter manually with what the user entered through the FilterActiveString…
Hope you get an idea of what I am trying to do - but haven ́t succeded in this yet, as I can ́t get the entered values, and that way build the filter through code/callback