Ticket Q478089
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Binding DockLayoutManager.ItemsSource to a collection of interfaces?

created 12 years ago

I have a collection of documents to be displayed in the DocumentGroup area. It is a collection of interfaces instead of classes.
Previously I bind them to the DocumentGroup.ItemsSource so I could use the ItemContentTemplateSelector to render the interfaces using DataTempaltes. (You know WPF DataTemplates do not support interfaces directly).

However then I found a big problem with binding to DocumentGroup.ItemsSource - the documents cannot be dragged!

After some research realized I have to bind the documents to DockLayoutManager.ItemsSource. But DockLayoutManager does not support item template selector so I cannot bind to collection of interfaces!

Note that this is a loosely coupled application and interface is king. Any solutions?

Thanks in advance.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hi Charles,
To achieve this goal, you can use the DocumentGroup.ItemContentTemplateSelector and DocumentGroup.ItemCaptionTemplateSelector properties. I have changed the How to use the IMVVMDockingProperties interface in an MVVM application example to demonstrate how to use them. Please take a moment to review it in the attachment.

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