Hello XAF Team,
In Web UI, I found a bug in 'inline edit' mode of list views:
- Create a new row in 'inline' mode. After callback is performed, save it. <== OK.
- Create another new row in 'inline' mode. After callback is performed, two rows of the same column(s) are updated by the callback. <== Bug
Note: In Win UI, the same scenario works without any issue.
To learn how to re-produce the above bug, please see the attached VS2010 + v12.2.6 solution, as well as the ListViewImmediatelyPostData_DuplicatedCellValues.mp4 screen video.
UPDATE: 'Log' column is used for demo purpose. In real business scenarios, 'Log' column may stand for 'Unit of Measure', 'Discount
Amount', 'Currency Rate', etc. End users need to change the default value (calculated by ImmediatePostData).
In short (April 9, 2013): After inserting a new row (the second, the third or the fourth, etc.), the same 'target' column in another previously-saved row is also affected by the callback triggered in the new row.