[FROM How to display a self-referenced data table via master and detail grid views]
This only works if there is only one detail if there are 2 or more it really messes up
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Would you please clarify the issue you faced? I've created a sample project illustrating how to display a self-referenced data table with two relations (see the attachment) and it works fine on my side. Please try to modify this project so that it illustrates the problematic behavior and send it to us.
We look forward to your reply.
Thanks Im going to review the tree control in greater depth.
My issue is really around the fact we use 6 different views in the one grid some of which do need a hierarchy
Sorry that should read Do not need a hierarchy
Hi Andre,
If I am not mistaken, your comment is related to the question from the How to show self referencing data in a single grid thread. So, let's continue working in that thread.