Ticket Q461373
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Incorrect behavior when using the approach from the "How to implement hot-tracking for grid rows" example and RepositoryItemMemoExEdit

created 11 years ago

From How to implement hot-tracking for grid rows
thanks for this clue and code-example.
But I found a problem - if I add this "hot-tracking"-mode to a gridView, and use a RepositoryItemMemoExEdit with an info-symbol/image and this column as a dropDown (to show the text).I can not read the text, because after you click on the arrow button the popup appears only very briefly, and closes again automatically.
If I de-activate the "hot-tracking" the RepositoryItemMemoExEdit work fine…

Thanks & best regards

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

I have reproduced this issue. It is caused by the fact that the GridControl.MouseLeave event is raised when you activate an editor. Thus, a hot-tracked row is changed. In this case, a row is refreshed. That is why a popup window is closed.
To overcome this issue, simply comment the code in the gridControl1_MouseLeave event handler. We will update your example soon.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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