Ticket Q460651
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How to draw a RichEditControlt as a bitmap

created 11 years ago

The control should provide API for taking a screen shot of itself taking into account the DPI.
We use our control in a custom DataGridView we developed which has RTF based cells. In that design when a cell is not in edit mode the rtf control is not showing. Therefore we get a image of the control's content and show that on the cell using a Graphics.DrawImage in the Cell's PaintEvent…etc…

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hi Clint,
You can use the RichEditControl.DrawToBitmap method as shown below:

Bitmap someImage = new Bitmap(richEditControl1.ClientRectangle.Width, richEditControl1.ClientRectangle.Height); richEditControl1.DrawToBitmap(someImage, richEditControl1.ClientRectangle); someImage.Save("test.png");

Is this what you are looking for?

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