Types IPermissionMatrixTypePermissionsOwner and TypePermissionMatrix refer to xpo class SecuritySystemTypePermissionObject
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
Security - Support domain components in the new security system (Client-Side UI and Integrated modes)How to implement SecuritySystem on Domain Components?
Right now we don't have a complete example that demonstrates how to implement security settings with the help of DC interfaces, and how DC interfaces are processed by the security system. We did not investigate this scenario when preparing v12.1 and cannot answer your question. Please use the SecurityComplex/SecuritySimple classes in your DC-based applications until we publish a complete solution for this scenario.
I have derived User class which refer to domain component. But XPO classes don't understand a domain components. And User must be domain component too
Although adding references to DCs from persistent objects is possible (e.g., check out the How do I reference a domain component from an XPO business class ticket for some example code), it is better to avoid mixing DC and persistent objects. For instance, our XCRM demo demonstrates how to implement the solution Dan suggested using pure DC entities.