Hi !
I would like to change the TAB key to ENTER key.
I has read the http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q182351.aspx article, but it is not clear for me, the method to change the TAB key to ENTER key.
THanks for your help
Best regard
How to make Enter on a (TextBox) Control act as TAB button in detailview
Hello Zoltan,
The easiest way to accomplish this task is to set the editor's EnterMoveNextControl property to true, as shown below:
C#public class ViewController1 : ViewController<DetailView> {
protected override void OnActivated() {
foreach (DXPropertyEditor propertyEditor in View.GetItems<DXPropertyEditor>()) {
propertyEditor.ControlCreated += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(propertyEditor_ControlCreated);
void propertyEditor_ControlCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
((DXPropertyEditor)sender).Control.EnterMoveNextControl = true;
protected override void OnDeactivated() {
foreach (DXPropertyEditor propertyEditor in View.GetItems<DXPropertyEditor>()) {
propertyEditor.ControlCreated -= new EventHandler<EventArgs>(propertyEditor_ControlCreated);
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.