I would like to set the positions Labels on the X-Axis to 270. When I do this in the wizard it always seems to reset itself to the default values if more than one series are added.
Is there a way I can change this through code, or is there something that I am doing incorrect.
Thanks as always
Nevermind, I found what I was looking for. I'll close the issue. You guys are great for putting up with me. Thanks.
Dim axisX As AxisXBase = (CType(WebChartControl1.Series(1).View, XYDiagramSeriesViewBase)).AxisX
axisX.Label.Angle = 270
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Hi Benjamin,
Your approach seems fine. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to reproduce the Chart Wizard issue you're referring to.
So, if you're still experiencing this problem, please describe the problematic scenario in greater detail. Then, I'll check whether this is an actual XtraCharts issue we currently are unaware of.