I've been trying to make ASPxListBox work which would function correctly with the confirmation rules mechanism from the ticket:
Could you please see the WebCheckedListBoxEnumPropertyEditor (my target functionality) and/or FromString_ListBoxPropertyEditor (a little simplified one) in my updated project?
Both of them get cleared whenever you empty the 'Opis' field and click Save.
I found such information: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q303458.aspx
Maybe it would solve the issue and be integrated in XAF somehow ?
I am sorry to ask you one more time for the similar issue.
I made your FromString_ListBoxPropertyEditor default for strings, but could not see the problem in my tests. Please refer to the attached video. Can you please provide me with the exact repro for your project?
In order to reproduce the issue, you need to break some confirmation validation rule. Then browser confirm dialog appear - you need to confirm it in order to cause a callback with ObjectSpace.CommitChanges().
To simplify things I send an updated project where you can reproduce the issue more easily.
- in runtime set the Status field to "Rejected project"
- Save
[issue reproduced: all lists got cleared]
Thanks for the sample. I will convert it to 12.2 and test as soon as I can.
I really need this functionality. Could you please try to solve/workaround this issue?
Thanks, Krzysztof
Yes, I checked it, but I am still working on a solution, because working with custom editors usually requires more time than normally + the custom validation you implemented is quite complex as well. I hope to get back to you by the end of this day with my latest results.