I'm dynamically reloading my DockLayoutManager
The saved layoutstream that I have correctly has my layoutPanel as Item2 in the ITems collection.
However, when I try to get the item after calling DockLayoutManager.RestoreFromLayoutStream(layout);
DockLayoutManager.GetItem("Pivot_1f380fe90d52429ea3fed0dc509cb385_LayoutPanel") returns null yet
DockLayoutManager.GetItem("dockItem1") correctly returns the first item. Why is this? I cannot seem to access the layoutPanels from the layoutstream after calling RestoreFromLayout.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<XtraSerializer application="DockLayoutManager" version="1.0"> <property isnull="true" name="#LayoutVersion"/> -<property name="$DockLayoutManager" value="DockLayoutManager" iskey="true"> <property name="ManualClosedPanelsBarVisibility">false</property> -<property name="Items" value="2" iskey="true"> -<property isnull="true" name="Item1" iskey="true"> <property isnull="true" name="ParentCollectionName"/> <property isnull="true" name="ParentName"/> <property name="TypeName">LayoutGroup</property> <property name="SerializableSelectedTabPageIndex">-1</property> <property name="Orientation">Horizontal</property> <property name="Name">dockItem1</property> </property> -<property isnull="true" name="Item2" iskey="true"> <property name="ParentName">dockItem1</property> <property name="TypeName">LayoutPanel</property> <property name="AllowRename">true</property> <property name="AllowHide">false</property> <property name="SerializableFloatingOffset">0,0</property> <property name="AllowDockToDocumentGroup">false</property> <property isnull="true" name="ParentCollectionName"/> <property name="Caption" type="System.String">Pivot Grid</property> <property name="Name">Pivot_1f380fe90d52429ea3fed0dc509cb385_LayoutPanel</property> </property> </property> </property> </XtraSerializer>
Please give us additional time. We will answer you ASAP.
Hi Alan,
Please accept our apologies for the delayed answer.
I have researched your issue and it appears that you are using our DXDocking component for WPF or Silverlight. Please clarify which platform you are using and specify the version of our components.
In the meantime, I have tried to reproduce the issue with DXDocking for WPF v12.2.7, but without success. I have attached a sample to demonstrate my approach. Would you please clarify your scenario in greater detail? I will also appreciate it greatly if you modify my sample.
Thank you for your cooperation.