Ticket Q371194
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Can you list the steps describing how to use PhoneGap API in DXTREME project?

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

I know how to set my permissions in VS 2012 but when i read the getting started guides for cordova I'm confused. Im not using or plan on using eclipse IDE for Android or any other IDE for other channels like IOS. I'm strictly using HTML/JavaScript/css and VS 2012 with DXTREME. Im not getting how i point cordova to DXTREME and VS2012. Can you list the steps?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Jason,
[UPDATED by Uriah (DevExpress Support) on February 22]
Thank you for your question. It may sound strange, but there is no need to do anything in order to make it possible to use PhoneGap API in a DXTREME application. You do not need to care about including any files in a project or doing anything except writing code.
So, if you need to use PhoneGap API, simply write code according to the PhoneGap documentation. We are using version 2.3.0. When you build a native package or scan the QR code that is available when you run the application in Visual Studio, the cordova.js file will be automatically included. You only need to add a link to this file in the app.html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>

DXTREME project templates used by default support only the official PhoneGap API. In order to use any third-party PhoneGap plug-in, you need to create your own native projects as described in the Getting Started Guides. Then, follow the plug-in installation guide to include the plug-in into new projects.

    Comments (2)
    J J
    Jim Buckley Barrett 12 years ago

      You should really advertise this as its extremely important and I've just wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how I install everything for VS so I can use DevTreme and PhoneGap.

      DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

        Hello Jason,
        I agree with you. We will add this information to the System Requirements page in our documentation.

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