Ticket Q371156
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What PhoneGap API is supported by DevExpress Courier application

created 12 years ago

How do you test these samples (Q434945) from Windows platform using the DevExpress Courier application? As I understand the Courier applicaiton has PhoneGap built-in. I have tried setting the "Run Simulator" option, then scanning the barcode withn the Courier application, but none of the device/hardware interafaces seem to work (I am able to test other apps that don't use PhoneGap using this approach).


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hi Sylvester,
DevExpress Courier application has the following permissions for PhoneGap API:
See the Getting Started Guides to learn more.
It seems that you are using API that does not match mentioned permissions. If this does not help, please provide us with a simple project that demonstrates the issue. We will examine this project on our side and find the cause of the problem.

    Comments (3)

      I know how to set my permissions in VS 2012 but when i read the getting started guides for cordova I'm confused. Im not using or plan on using eclipse IDE for Android or any other IDE for other channels like IOS. I'm strictly using HTML/JavaScript/css and VS 2012 with DXTREME. Im not getting how i point cordova to DXTREME and VS2012. Can you list the steps? And where can I find the Courier application?

      S S
      Sylvester La Blanc 12 years ago

        Attached is a simple project for camera. I am attempting to verify via the following steps:

        1. Open project in Visual Studio
        2. Run Project
        3. On iPhone 5, Open "Courier" app and scan the barcode to load the app hosted in Courier
        4. Attempt to perform any of the camera functions
          Picture will be taken or can be displayed
          Nothing seems to happen.
        DevExpress Support Team 12 years ago

          Hi Jason and Sylvester,
          For your convenience, I have created new tickets to discuss these issues separately:
          Can you list the steps describing how to use PhoneGap API in DXTREME project?
          Where can I find the Courier application?
          DXTREME - The application taking a photo does not work properly in the Courier application
          Please bear with us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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