In order to have the entire content of a cell selected when clicking in a grid, the gridView.OptionsBehavior property must be set to MouseUp, as it is described in A277 KB article - http://devexpress.com/Support/Center/KB/p/A277.aspx.
However, this creates some problems when having CheckEdit repositories because the user has to click twice to toggle the check edit (one click activates the editor and the second click toggles the repository's value).
To overcome this, I have successfully implemented the solution described in the following KB: http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q143431.aspx
But this KB only covers the case in which the CheckEdit repository is set via ColumnEdit property.
I have the following questions:
- How to achieve the same thing when a column is bound to a property of type Object and the repository is set at runtime via CustomRowCellEdit or CustomRowCellEditForEditing?
- How to implement this for a TreeList control?
Thank you very much!