Hello DevExpress
How can I highlight the text in the grid according to the values entered in the filter row?
ie. if I am on the filter row column 2 and type 'test', i want for all grid rows column 2, 'test' to be highlighted where found.
ie. I need highlighting to work in exactly the same way as it works in aspxcombo with incremental filtering.
(see attached screenshot).
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Hello George,
Thank you for your question.
I suggest you implement the following scenario to achieve your goal.
Handle the ASPxGridView.CustomColumnDisplayText event and in its handler, modify a cell displayed text: wrap necessary characters by some tag with a CSS class. For example, if a cell contains the 'abcdefgh' text and an end-user has typed the 'abc' string, you need to modify the cell text to the following: <span class="filteredText">abc</span>defgh.
Implement the "filteredText" CSS class to highlight its inner text.
It is possible that you will need to disable the ASPxGridView.EncodeHtml setting to prevent html-tag encoding.
If you need any additional assistance, you are welcome to contact us at any time.
Best regards,
Hello Vladimir
Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible to send me a sample project?
Hello George,
We do not have such an example. In our Code Central there is a slightly different example ASPxGridView - creating external filter with the ASPxTextBox and highlighting search text where this scenario is partially implemented.
Please analyze our approach and let me know whether or not you find it helpful.
Thank you DevExpress