Ticket Q323039
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Refresh ListView

created 14 years ago

I have a ListView (Load_ListView) for my object 'Load'. When I -> double click a load in its ListView -> Make a change to the load in the detail view -> click 'Save and Close' I want to trigger a refresh of the Load_ListView. I also want to have the Load_ListView refresh automatically every 5 min even if the user doesn't edit a load.
How may I do this?

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    I didn't describe my problem very accurately, Sorry about that…I have attached a sample project that should illustrate the issue.
    Run the app against the included db -> on the LoadDrop_ListView click the 'New' button -> A new 'Load' (not load drop) object detail view will be shown -> in the Load_DetailView there is a LoadDrop_LookupListView -> Click the new button to create a new load drop - Click save&close for the loaddrop -> click save&close for the load -> you will see that the newly created LoadDrop does NOT appear in the LoadDrop_ListView -> click 'refresh and the new LoadDrop will appear in the list.
    How can I make that refresh automatic on Save&Close of the Load?

    DevExpress Support Team 14 years ago

      Hi Chris,
      Thank you for the project. In your instance, DetailViewLinkController does not update the source list view because it contains objects of a different type. You should implement a controller for the Load detail view, establish a link to the source list view and update it when changes are committed.

      public class LoadDetailViewController : ViewController { public LoadDetailViewController() { TargetViewType = ViewType.DetailView; TargetObjectType = typeof(Load); } public ListView LinkedListView { get; set; } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); Application.ViewShown += new EventHandler<ViewShownEventArgs>(Application_ViewShown); View.ObjectSpace.Committed += new EventHandler(ObjectSpace_Committed); } protected override void OnDeactivated() { Application.ViewShown -= new EventHandler<ViewShownEventArgs>(Application_ViewShown); View.ObjectSpace.Committed -= new EventHandler(ObjectSpace_Committed); base.OnDeactivated(); } void Application_ViewShown(object sender, ViewShownEventArgs e) { if (e.TargetFrame != null && e.TargetFrame.View == this.View && e.SourceFrame != null && e.SourceFrame.View is ListView && e.SourceFrame.View.ObjectTypeInfo.IsAssignableFrom(XafTypesInfo.Instance.FindTypeInfo(typeof(LoadDrop)))) { LinkedListView = (ListView)e.SourceFrame.View; } } void ObjectSpace_Committed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (LinkedListView == null) return; LinkedListView.ObjectSpace.Refresh(); } }

      Attached is a modified project. Please review it and let us know if this helps.

        your code sample worked flawlessly. I have implemented the LoadDrop_ListView refresh on Load Save and auto LoadDrop_ListView refresh on timer tick as per the links you gave.
        Both these are working correctly and my issue is resolved.

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