How do I change/remove "DevExpress Style" wording from the Skin Menu/Drop down gallery ?
I love your product!
But, I don't want to advertise your name to my customers. I thought that's why we pay you…so we can create our own products with your tools.
Otherwise…where does it end…
…are you going to add "Powered by DevExpress" to all my code/app/screens/etc. ?
Again…I really like the components, but I don't think you should name a skin the "DevExpress Style" skin.
How to change/remove the DevExpress Style caption from the Skin Menu/Drop-down gallery
Hi John,
Thank you for your message.
You can change a GalleryItem caption without any problem. For this it is sufficient to find an appropriate item by iterating through GalleryDropDown.Gallery.Groups and GalleryItemGroup.Items collections and to adjust the GalleryItem.Caption property :
C# private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SetGalleryItemCaption(galleryDropDown1, "DevExpress Style", "MyCaption");
private void SetGalleryItemCaption(GalleryDropDown galleryDropDown, string oldCaption, string newCaption) {
foreach(GalleryItemGroup group_ in galleryDropDown.Gallery.Groups)
foreach(GalleryItem item_ in group_.Items)
if(item_.Caption.Equals(oldCaption)) {
item_.Caption = newCaption;
We hope that you find this information helpful.
This goal can be achieved in the same manner as in case of the DevExpress Style skin. I have modified the sample. Please check it.
I am looking forward to your reply.
I am happy to hear that my assistance was helpful to you. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.