I have a chart on one of the forms in my project. I have added a button to the form that allows the user to print the chart. However, the margins are too big, it is printing Portrait, and it is spanning two pages. I am currently simply using the Print method of the chart to print it.
How can I change things so that the chart prints:
1) in Landscape mode
2) to fill the whole page
3) with specific margin values?
Please provide code samples in VB.
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Hello Bob,
Thank you for contacting us. You should create a PrintableComponentLink instance and adjust its Landscape and Margins property values. Then print a ChartControl via this component. To control sizing mode adjust the ChartControl.OptionsPrint.SizeMode property value. Attached is a sample, demonstrating how this works.
How can I use the PrintableComponentLink.Print method such that it prints to the default printer? It seems to require that I specify a printer name, but I can't possibly know what printer names of users will be.
Hello Bob,
Please use the PrintingSystem.Print Method for this purpose:
Attached is an updated sample.