I have the DevExpress Subscription v18.1 and I want to install the v18.2 trial version as I need to test new features. Will the trial version overwrite my current version? Can different multiple versions co-exist on the same computer? In addition, can I use several versions in the same project simultaneously?
Major versions can be installed at the same time and co-exist on the same machine. For instance, the following versions may exist simultaneously:
Please note that you cannot use several major versions in the same project since it may lead to unexpected conflicts between component versions.
Minor versions cannot co-exist on the same machine simultaneously. Minor versions (e.g, v18.2.3 and v18.2.4) are updated automatically, removing previously installed minor versions.
There are many reasons for this, mainly because our components utilize a lot of design-time wizards, project templates, etc., and having multiple minor versions of the same major volume (for example, 18.1.6 and 18.1.7) in the GAC may result in the incorrect operation of these tools, not only because of our components' requirements, but because of .NET infrastructure specifics. (We hit this wall with older versions of our .NET components.) This is why our modern installers always look for other minor versions of a major volume on your machine and remove them completely if found. This makes the installation process smooth and clear.
You might also be interested in understanding the DevExpress product versions and release dates.
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Hello Alex,
In our case, We just installed new version(v12.1.7). And the older version starting with v11. is cleared.
Folder still exists, but Binaries and Sources are not there other than Help file.
Is there any special settings to keep the older version(Major).
I attached one video file for your reference.
Hi Antony,
Thank you for your inquiry and providing the screencast. You do not need to tweak any special settings to keep the older version. It seems that you have faced with some issues in the installer. We have not been told about similar issue in the past as far as I know. When you installed v12.1.6, were v11.1 and v11.2 versions persisted? Would you please create a separate ticket describing this issue and share the installation log of the v12.1.7 version with us for research? Thank you in advance.
Hi Antony and Alex.
Please share the new Ticket with me as I would be interested in the outcome. Thanks, Joseph
Please share with me also. Thanks. Daniel
Hi Alex,
When I tried it Manually, installing one by one, it works fine. Major versions(v11.2, v12.7) still exists there.
problem might be on our side. I don't know why it happened like that, Any way thank you for your support.
In future, if I find any problem , I will create a ticket describing the same issue.
Thank you.
Thank you for the update, Antony. Guys, if you have any issues with installing different DXperience versions side-by-side, please register new tickets, and we will help you! Thank you in advance.
I would like to inform you that:
You can have multiple [even of the same minor versions] running side-by-side.
You have to simply compile with the option, Copy Local, then when you compile the project the assemblies are used locally instead of being referenced from the default libraries.
This does mean that, e.g.
You have 13.2.6 installed, and now you wish to upgrade to 13.2.8 (without affecting any existing products); before the install is run, you need to build all your projects with the 13.2.6 version and before you do set their properties for the referenced DevExpress libraries to "Copy Local"; once done, then you can install 13.2.8, this however means should you then need other libraries added later to your project they would reference 13.2.8 and not 13.2.6; so best practice would be to copy ALL the 13.2.6 libraries to a backup folder somewhere, and should you need in future to add references to other libraries which you have not included, then you can simply add them and browse to your "backup" folder.
* Just don't run the "Upgrade Project Wizard" on that particular project that you wish to keep the old versions [AND NEVER use "Clean" Solution or "REBUILD"]
If you do wish to rebuild or clean solution, then you need to make sure that all your references to the DevExpress libraries are pointing to your local "backup" and not the default installation folder ;)
The IDE will register and be running on 13.2.8, but that would be ok, as your solution uses the "local" references.
Hope this helps?
Great to know. My issue was installing to different major versions and that worked great. But good to know that also different minor versions can coexist! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your findings with us, Ferdi!
I'm sure someone will find this useful.
I have just installed a new major version of DevExpress in the same machine, currently I have the 14.1 and 15.1 versions. All the projects work fine but when I open Visual Studio I only have access to the 14.1 version of the toolbox. Can I have a different toolbox depending on the version of the project?
To process your recent post more efficiently, I created a separate ticket on your behalf: T262648: Toolbox items are not available. This ticket is currently in our processing queue. Our team will address it as soon as we have any updates.
Hello Stan,
Thanks for your quick reply
Hi Team,
I am deploying the latest (v17.2) DevExpress assemblies into the GAC onto my production server, having converted one my we apps to v17.2 from v15.2 but now I am getting this issue.
CS0433: The type 'DevExpress.Web.ASPxHiddenField' exists in both 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\DevExpress.Web.v17.2\v4.0_17.2.3.0__b88d1754d700e49a\DevExpress.Web.v17.2.dll' and 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\DevExpress.Web.v15.2\v4.0_15.2.4.0__b88d1754d700e49a\DevExpress.Web.v15.2.dll'
I thought it was possible to run multiple major versions side by side ?
Can you help ?
Hi Damien,
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T612159: Errors on a production server after converting from v15.2 to v17.2). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.
Hi, I have got a website which contains 2 sections: the public section and the backoffice section. Right now both are using v10.2, I know it is a pretty old version and should be upgraded but due to ongoing $$$ issues (5 years !) with client I am doing the minimum I can.
That said I would like to upgrade the public section to a more recent version, the latest I could go for a .NET Framework 2.0 project. My 1st question would what version is latest I could use for a 2.0 Framework; and the 2nd question is to know if I could have both versions running on the production IIS ?
The latest version that supports .NET 2.0 is v11.1. See the System Requirements (ASP.NET WebForms) article.
If both of your sections are in the same project, then you cannot use two different versions in the same application. See "Answer" of this article. If these sections are divided in two different applications, they can have different versions.
This is an old article, but I hope comments are still reviewed…
We have now the latest express grid for use in our also new delphi 10.4.
All our products are still in Delphi 2009 with an old devexpress installed.
After installing the latest version of devexpress, my delphi 2009 is broken!
Searching here I have read 2 versions can coexist.
How can I solve this?
I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T971089: How to have several VCL builds on the same machine). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.