Hi Nick,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Your solution works very well, but it highlights the entire row. How can I edit it to make it paint only the cell?
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Your solution works very well, but it highlights the entire row. How can I edit it to make it paint only the cell?
Hi Serdar,
All you need is to introduce the HotTrackColumn property similar to the HotTrackRow one and take it into account in the gridView1_RowCellStyle method.
C#private int hotTrackRow = DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl.InvalidRowHandle;
private int HotTrackRow {
get {
return hotTrackRow;
set {
if(hotTrackRow != value) {
int prevHotTrackRow = hotTrackRow;
hotTrackRow = value;
if(gridView1.ActiveEditor != null)
gridView1.RefreshRowCell(prevHotTrackRow, HotTrackColumn);
gridView1.RefreshRowCell(hotTrackRow, HotTrackColumn);
if(hotTrackRow >= 0)
gridControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
gridControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private GridColumn hotTrackColumn;
private GridColumn HotTrackColumn {
get {
return hotTrackColumn;
set {
if (hotTrackColumn != value) {
GridColumn prevHotTrackColumn = hotTrackColumn;
hotTrackColumn = value;
if (gridView1.ActiveEditor != null)
gridView1.RefreshRowCell(HotTrackRow, prevHotTrackColumn);
gridView1.RefreshRowCell(HotTrackRow, HotTrackColumn);
if (hotTrackColumn.VisibleIndex >= 0)
gridControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
gridControl1.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void gridView1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) {
GridView view = sender as GridView;
GridHitInfo info = view.CalcHitInfo(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
if (info.InRowCell) {
HotTrackRow = info.RowHandle;
HotTrackColumn = info.Column;
} else
HotTrackRow = DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl.InvalidRowHandle;
private void gridControl1_MouseLeave(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
HotTrackRow = DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl.InvalidRowHandle;
private void gridView1_RowCellStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellStyleEventArgs e) {
if(e.RowHandle == HotTrackRow && e.Column == hotTrackColumn)
e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.PaleGoldenrod;
Attached is a modified project.
Thanks for the help. Your solution is almost perfect, but I have one more question regarding performance. I want to allow hot-tracking only when there's a drag operation. So, I tried to do this by adding the following condition in MouseMove event:
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && info.InRowCell)
And this 'mostly' works, however there are numerous occasions where the hot tracking won't update even though the mouse has moved. This performance is even more often in my solution where the application is much more complex and memory intensive. Is there any suggestion you can give me to improve the hot-tracking performance?
Hello Serdar,
It appears that the GridView.RefreshRow method is insufficient when the drag and drop operation is executing. Please try to use the GridView.LayoutChanged method, instead.
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