Ticket Q25943
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Help needed compiling dxPSTeeChartRS11

created 11 years ago

Please can you help me…

I have just discovered that the latest installation program for your VCL controls does not compile dxPSTeeChartRS11 when you have the TeeChart Pro control installed. Since I do have the Pro version installed on my C++Builder 2007 machine, my installation of the VCl controls is missing dxPSTeeChartRS11.bpl.

Furthermore, I am unable to open the supplied dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk package within C++Builder 2007. So how can I proceed to recompile the package with the Pro version of TeeChart? You do not supply bpk files to use with C++Builder.

Would you please supply the appropriate command line instruction so I can run dcc32.exe outside of the C++Builder 2007 IDE. What files do I need to place where?

Thanks in advance.

Andrew Bond

Comments (2)

    Since this is a priority for me to resolve, I have experimented with the following series of commands (is a good old .bat file!) and appear to have a functioning set of packages. I'd be grateful if soemeone from DevEx could confirm that I have included everything that is needed to build the TeeChart Pro version of your Printing System printer links.
    REM change folder
    cd "C:\Program Files\Developer Express.VCL\Library\RS11"
    REM compile dxPSTeeChartRS11
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources\dxPSTCLnk.pas" "dxPSTCLnk.pas"
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012 for Delphi 2007\Delphi11\Lib\Tee911.dcp" "Tee911.dcp"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk" "dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dxPSTeeChartRS11.res" "dxPSTeeChartRS11.res"
    dcc32 -JL dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk
    REM compile dcldxPSTeeChartRS11
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources\dxPSTCLnkReg.pas" "dxPSTCLnkReg.pas"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk" "dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.res" "dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.res"
    dcc32 -JL dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk
    REM compile dxPSDBTeeChartRS11
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources\dxPSDBTCLnk.pas" "dxPSDBTCLnk.pas"
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012 for Delphi 2007\Delphi11\Lib\TeeDB911.dcp" "TeeDB911.dcp"
    copy /Y "C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012 for Delphi 2007\Delphi11\Lib\TeeUI911.dcp" "TeeUI911.dcp"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk" "dxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dxPSDBTeeChartRS11.res" "dxPSDBTeeChartRS11.res"
    dcc32 -JL dxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk
    REM compile dcldxPSDBTeeChartRS11
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources\dxPSDBTCLnkReg.pas" "dxPSDBTCLnkReg.pas"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk" "dcldxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk"
    copy /Y "…\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.res" "dcldxPSDBTeeChartRS11.res"
    dcc32 -JL dcldxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk
    Given the relative simplicity of the above, I would have thought this could easily be incorporated into th DevEx Setup program for the VCL controls…

    DevExpress Support Team 11 years ago

      I suggest you create 4 *.bat files for each package of dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk, cxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk, dcldxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk, dcldxPSDBTeeChartRS11.dpk, and write the following string there:
      "<FullPath to RADStudio2007 dcc32.exe>" "<Path to dxPS…dpk>" -B -U"…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources;<Path>\Developer Express.VCL\Library\RS11;<Path to TeeChart Pro Lib>" -I"<Path>\Developer Express.VCL\Library\RS11;<Path to TeeChart Pro Lib>" -R"…\ExpressPrinting System\Sources" -N"." -LE"." -LN"." and put them into the <Path>\Developer Express.VCL\Library\RS11 folder.
      Change the contents of the packages according to the KA18797: Manual compilation of TeeChart Report Link packages Knowledge Base article and run them in the following order:
      For help:
        <FullPath to RADStudio2007 dcc32.exe> - full path to the dcc32 (for example: c:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\bin\dcc32.exe)
        <Path to dxPS…dpk> - relative path to the package (for example: …\ExpressPrinting System\Packages\dxPSTeeChartRS11.dpk)
        <Path>\Developer Express.VCL\Library\RS11 - (for example: c:\Program Files\DevExpress VCL\Library\RS11)
        <Path to TeeChart Pro Lib> - path to the TeeChartPro libraries (for example: C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012 for Delphi 2007\Delphi11\Lib)
      Please keep me informed of your results.

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