Hi there,
I'll first tell you about the scenario before pointing out the problem.
We provide the users of our software a scripting tool where they can create datasets from our businessobjects. Than they can create an xml schema to design reports and set the dataset as datasource for the created report.
Because we want the reports to run on any pc without putting the report files in an assembly, we avoid having references to all kind of dll's. So we don't want any code in the reports that calls any of our dll's. This works fine for now, but now we want some small scripts in the reports that decide wheather a subreport is to be shown or hidden, depending on a field in a datatable in the dataset.
The problem I'm facing is that the 'validating' button in the end user designer doesn't seem to do anything (there is no script error window) Is there a way to debug the scripts in the end user designer? I noticed that errors do appear when clicking the preview tab but that still makes it very hard to debug the scripts.
In the documentation I saw that in visual studio, you can make the script error window appear, but we want our end users to write the scripts without using visual studio.
For easier development, I would like to complete the design of the repx files, created in the end user designer, in visual studio but I don't seem to find how to open a repx file in visual studio so I can complete the design in vs and have all the advantages of vs.
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Hi Nico,
Yes, you should be able to validate scripts in the End-User Designer (See the Scripts Errors window). However, at present there's no runtime debugging functionality available. To open the REPX in Visual Studio, use the Open/Import report's smart tag (see Smart Tags). Let me know whether this helps.