As extra addition, I need to be able to update only the "Selected" Items => Nothing else can be updated… I figured out how to set the "Edit"-button on the "CHECKED" fields and so, but how do I define my own custom "Update"-Fields, based on other data from another table => When the node is checked it means that there is another table that is connected to that "ID". It's that data we need to update and there are some CUSTOM COMBOBOXES I need to build, but how do I achieve this? Is the "ASPxTreeList" control strong enough to support this? I really need a fast answer on this!
Kind Regards,
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Hello Frederic,
I am afraid your scenario is unclear. Do you mean custom comboboxes that are located inside ASPxTreeList templates or you need to update ASPxComboBoxes that are located on the form?
In the second case, you can put controls that should be updated inside the ASPxCallbackPanel control, which updates its content via callback, handle the ASPxClientTreeList.BeginCallback event, and store the e.command parameter in a JavaScript variable.
Handle the ASPxClientTreeList.EndCallback event and in case the JavaScript variable contains an appropriate value (if the last ASPxTreeList operation meets your requirement), call the ASPxClientCallbackPanel.PerformCallback method to update the controls.
If my hint does not help you, please provide us with code snippets illustrating your scenario, so that we could reproduce it. Alternatively, send us a working project (containing only the problematic ASPxTreeList bound to any portable datasource). We will examine it on our side and suggest a more appropriate solution for you.