Another interesting component is the new TdxTabbedMdiController.
As we have implemented a lot of drag/drop functionality in our application, we need the possibility to switch from one tab to another.
Is such a handling already implemented?
Add the capability to activate a tab when dragging an object over it during form-to-form drag-and-drop operations
With v2012 vol 1, we have made the Controller and ViewInfo properties public. The attached project demonstrates how to use the ViewInfo property when implementing the drag-and-drop operations that address the request you described above.
In addition, we introduced the following virtual functions in order to let you implement custom tabbed MDI managers by subclassing from TdxTabbedMDIManager: GetControllerClass, GetPropertiesClass, and GetViewInfoClass.
Hello, Alex,
great work! Thanks a lot!
Now I can use the original source code again.
Does it possible to have a same kind of sample but with files dragged and dropped from Explorer ?
Like this :
Best regards,
Hello Fabrice,
This question is not directly related to our controls. We just provided the capability to get the tab under the cursor. I suggest you refer to the page where you can find helpful information on how to implement this functionality using ShellAPI.
Hello Ronald,
I apologize, the current TdxTabbedMDIManager implementation does not allow you to obtain a tab under the mouse cursor and activate a necessary window.
Hello, Valdemar,
thanks for your reply.
Is it planned to "open" this new component to make it possible to introduce own classes?
In the moment, there are no procedures or functions which allow to define for example the controller class.
This would be sufficient to implement own drag/drop functionality etc.
Take your great product ExpressQuantumGrid as an example … There is nearly for every part of the component a possibility to introduce an own class with special features.
Ronald Klitsche
Hello Ronald,
I apologize, we are not planning to implement this functionality in the near future because we believe that implementing a custom descendent of the TdxTabbedMDIManager component is a complex task.
I should say though that the built-in drag-drop functionality looks interesting. If I correctly understand your objective, you need to activate a tab when dragging an object over it. Please clarify your main task and we will register a new suggestion. Our developers will consider it and will possibly implement the suggestion in future versions of our controls.
Hello, Valdemar,
thanks for your reply.
Yes, we need the possibility to activate a tab when dragging over it. This would it make possible to allow our application to support drag/drop operations from form to form even when your new TabbedMdi view is activated.
Hello Ronald,
Thank you for the additional clarification. I have converted this report to a suggestion.
Do you mind if we make this report public, so that other customers can learn from it?
Hello, Valdemar,
you are welcome to make this issue public.