Ticket Q147040
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ASPxMenu / ASPxPopupMenu - Ability to scroll submenus content

ASPxFilterControl handling of many columns

created 16 years ago

I'm using a standalone ASPxFilterControl with a grid. (I had to resort to using it standalone, not the one built into the grid, because I want to include invisible columns in the filter control's column menu.) The grid in question supports about 30 columns, though most are not visible most of the time. The problem is that the filter control presents all columns in a menu, with no ability to scroll, and consequently the menu runs off the bottom of the page, making it pretty much unusable.
There is already a separate suggestion to give menus scrolling ability, so I'm not asking about that specifically. I'd like to know if there is any workaround so I can use the filter control with a large number of menus. Ideally there'd be a "GroupDisplayName" property on each column, and columns with a non-null group display name would be grouped together in submenus. That would shorten the menus an eliminate the need for scrolling.
So, to summarize:

  1. Is there C# code JavaScript I can write to "force" the ASPxFilterControl to group columns and use submenus?
  2. If the answer to 1 is "no," can you consider this a suggestion to implement "GroupDisplayName" functionality in the ASPxFilterControl?
Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 16 years ago

    Hi Leslie,

    1. It is impossible to access this menu, and thus customize it on the server side or client side. The only way is to create a derivative of the ASPxFilterControl class;
    2. I do not think that we'll implement this suggestion. It is easier to create a derivative control, and split menu items into groups manually.

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