I'm trying to realize a aspx page to manipulate questionary answers:
- 2 grids master(questions)/details(probably answers)
- in answers_BeforePerformDataSelect I build dataset, assign it to answers grid and I build grid columns also
- in checkbox columns I set:
Dim Col3 As New DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.GridViewDataCheckColumn
Col3.DataItemTemplate = New Flag
Col3.Caption = " "
Col3.VisibleIndex = Ind
- Flag class used to itemtemplate are this:
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView
Imports DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors
Public Class Flag
Implements System.Web.UI.ITemplate
Public Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) Implements System.Web.UI.ITemplate.InstantiateIn
Dim FlagTest As New ASPxCheckBox
AddHandler FlagTest.DataBinding, AddressOf Me.BindData
FlagTest.AutoPostBack = True
FlagTest.ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged = "function(s, e) {var c = s.GetChecked(); risposte.GetValuesOnCustomCallback('" & container.UniqueID & "' + ':' + c,null);}"
End Sub
Public Sub BindData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim FlagTest As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)
Dim Riga As GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer = FlagTest.NamingContainer
Dim Griglia As ASPxGridView = Riga.NamingContainer
Dim RigaDati As DataRowView = Griglia.GetRow(Riga.VisibleIndex)
FlagTest.Checked = RigaDati.Row("Punt1")
End Sub
End Class
I need call the GetValuesOnCustomCallback events from right grid because in master/details if I use the code writed in
ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged I have noted that in ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged routine the sender grid is always last expanded.
Have you any idea to solve this situation?
Sorry for bad english I hope I've been clear… Thanks in advance for attention
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Hi Gianluca;
I'm afraid, we can't reproduce the issue without a sample project showing this glitch. Please send it to us and we'll do our best to find a solution.
Hi Kate,
Thank you for quickly replay…
I solved my problem:
Moving ClientSideEvents settings row from InstantiateIn to BindData event I can find container objects (using .NamingContainer) of my ITemplate class:
Public Class Spunta
Implements System.Web.UI.ITemplate
Public Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) Implements System.Web.UI.ITemplate.InstantiateIn
Dim Controllo As New ASPxCheckBox
AddHandler Controllo.DataBinding, AddressOf Me.BindData
End Sub
Public Sub BindData(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Controllo As ASPxCheckBox = CType(s, ASPxCheckBox)
Dim Riga As GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer = Controllo.NamingContainer
Dim Risposte As ASPxGridView = Riga.NamingContainer
Dim Domanda As GridViewDetailRowTemplateContainer = Risposte.NamingContainer
Dim RigaDati As DataRowView = Risposte.GetRow(Riga.VisibleIndex)
Dim Coordinate() As String = Replace(Riga.ID, "cell", "").Split("_")
Dim i As Integer = Int(Coordinate(1) / 2)
Controllo.ClientSideEvents.CheckedChanged = "function(s, e) {var stato = s.GetChecked(); __doPostBack('Aggiorna_Spunta','" & Domanda.VisibleIndex & "' + ':' + '" & Riga.ID & "' + ':' + stato);}"
Controllo.Checked = RigaDati.Row("Punt" & i)
End Sub
End Class
I'd like to know something about a clientsideevents documentation (method and properties of s and e object)…
Hi Gianluca;
Thank you for your feedback.
You can get information about ASPxGridView's client-side events from these help topics:
ASPxGridView GridViewClientSideEvents Members
Please let me know if this answer is incomplete for you and you have more questions.