On this page you can find a list of browsers supported by DevExpress ASP.NET controls. However, the list is valid only for recent versions of our product. Old versions may operate incorrectly in recent browser versions.
The following list provides additional information about particular browser versions supported by our controls. Please note each DevExpress product version supports browsers from preceding versions.
Limited support for Internet Explorer 6
IE7 no longer supported in v15.1 and above
IE8 support ending in upcoming v16.1 release
See Also
ASP.NET Controls supported browsers
thanks for help!!
Can someone update this chart for v18.1.4?
The last changes in browser support were made in verison16.1.4. Since there are no changes in supported browsers in version 18.1, I haven't updated this chart. Version 18.1 supports IE9+, FF, Chrome and other listed browsers. Let me know if you have any other questions.