This example binds the WinForms Scheduler control to a collection of business objects (CustomAppointment
). The example creates two collections - one for appointments, another for resources. The appointment collection implements IBindingList
(we recommend that you use the System.ComponentModel.BindingList<T>
Custom objects must implement certain properties to map to the corresponding scheduler appointment and resource properties.
Files to Review
- Form1.cs (VB: Form1.vb)
- CustomObjects.cs (VB: CustomObjects.vb)
- Bind to Business Objects
- Bind to Data - WinForms Scheduler
- Mappings
- Appointment Mappings
- Resource Mappings
Does this example address your development requirements/objectives?
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)
Example Code
C#using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraScheduler;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace CustomObjectsBinding {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public static Random RandomInstance = new Random();
private BindingList<CustomResource> CustomResourceCollection = new BindingList<CustomResource>();
private BindingList<CustomAppointment> CustomEventList = new BindingList<CustomAppointment>();
BindingList<CustomLabel> CustomLabelList = new BindingList<CustomLabel>();
BindingList<CustomStatus> CustomStatusList = new BindingList<CustomStatus>();
public Form1() {
WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;
schedulerDataStorage1.Resources.ColorSaving = DXColorSavingType.ColorInstance;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
schedulerControl1.Start = DateTime.Now;
private void InitResources() {
ResourceMappingInfo mappings = this.schedulerDataStorage1.Resources.Mappings;
mappings.Id = "ResID";
mappings.Color = "ResColor";
mappings.Caption = "Name";
CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(1, "Max Fowler", Color.PowderBlue));
CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(2, "Nancy Drewmore", Color.PaleVioletRed));
CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(3, "Pak Jang", Color.PeachPuff));
this.schedulerDataStorage1.Resources.DataSource = CustomResourceCollection;
private CustomResource CreateCustomResource(int res_id, string caption, Color ResColor) {
CustomResource cr = new CustomResource();
cr.ResID = res_id;
cr.Name = caption;
cr.ResColor = ResColor;
return cr;
private void InitAppointments() {
AppointmentMappingInfo mappings = this.schedulerDataStorage1.Appointments.Mappings;
mappings.Start = "StartTime";
mappings.End = "EndTime";
mappings.Subject = "Subject";
mappings.AllDay = "AllDay";
mappings.Description = "Description";
mappings.Label = "Label";
mappings.Location = "Location";
mappings.RecurrenceInfo = "RecurrenceInfo";
mappings.ReminderInfo = "ReminderInfo";
mappings.ResourceId = "OwnerId";
mappings.Status = "Status";
mappings.Type = "EventType";
this.schedulerDataStorage1.Appointments.DataSource = CustomEventList;
private void GenerateEvents(BindingList<CustomAppointment> eventList) {
int count = schedulerDataStorage1.Resources.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Resource resource = schedulerDataStorage1.Resources[i];
string subjPrefix = resource.Caption + "'s ";
eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "meeting", resource.Id, 2, 5));
eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "travel", resource.Id, 3, 6));
eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "phone call", resource.Id, 0, 10));
private CustomAppointment CreateEvent(string subject, object resourceId, int status, int label) {
CustomAppointment apt = new CustomAppointment();
apt.Subject = subject;
apt.OwnerId = resourceId;
Random rnd = RandomInstance;
int rangeInMinutes = 60 * 24;
apt.StartTime = DateTime.Today + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(rnd.Next(0, rangeInMinutes));
apt.EndTime = apt.StartTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(rnd.Next(0, rangeInMinutes / 4));
apt.Status = status;
apt.Label = label;
return apt;
public void InitLabels(BindingList<CustomLabel> labels) {
LabelMappingInfo mappingsLabel = schedulerDataStorage1.Labels.Mappings;
mappingsLabel.Color = "ColorLabel";
mappingsLabel.DisplayName = "Name";
mappingsLabel.Id = "ID";
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
schedulerDataStorage1.Labels.DataSource = CustomLabelList;
private CustomLabel CreateCustomLabel(int id) {
CustomLabel label = new CustomLabel();
label.ID = id;
label.Name = "Name" + id;
Random rnd = RandomInstance;
label.ColorLabel = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next());
return label;
public void InitStatus(BindingList<CustomStatus> listStatus) {
StatusMappingInfo mappingsStatus = this.schedulerDataStorage1.Statuses.Mappings;
mappingsStatus.Brush = "ColorStatus";
mappingsStatus.DisplayName = "Name";
mappingsStatus.Id = "ID";
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
schedulerDataStorage1.Statuses.DataSource = CustomStatusList;
private CustomStatus CreateCustomStatus(int id) {
CustomStatus status = new CustomStatus();
status.ID = id;
status.Name = "Status" + id;
Random rnd = RandomInstance;
status.ColorStatus = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next());
return status;
private void UpdateControls() {
this.radioGroup1.EditValue = (int)schedulerControl1.GroupType;
private void radioGroup1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
schedulerControl1.GroupType = (SchedulerGroupType)radioGroup1.EditValue;
C#using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CustomObjectsBinding {
#region #customappointment
public class CustomAppointment
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public int Status { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public int Label { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public bool AllDay { get; set; }
public int EventType { get; set; }
public string RecurrenceInfo { get; set; }
public string ReminderInfo { get; set; }
public object OwnerId { get; set; }
#endregion #customappointment
#region #customresource
public class CustomResource {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int ResID { get; set; }
public Color ResColor { get; set; }
// Set the SchedulerStorage.Resources.ColorSaving property to ColorSavingType.Color to display resources using the specified color.
#endregion #customresource
public class CustomLabel {
private string m_name;
private int _id;
private Color _color;
public string Name { get { return m_name; } set { m_name = value; } }
public int ID { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } }
public Color ColorLabel { get { return _color; } set { _color = value; } }
public CustomLabel() {
public class CustomStatus {
private string m_name;
private int _id;
//private Brush _color;
private Color _color;
public string Name { get { return m_name; } set { m_name = value; } }
public int ID { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } }
//public Brush ColorStatus { get { return _color; } set { _color = value; } }
public Color ColorStatus { get { return _color; } set { _color = value; } }
public CustomStatus() {