Example E4916
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XAF - How to implement dependent views in a DashboardView (filter based on selection)

This example illustrates how to filter a ListView displayed in a DashboardView based on another ListView's selection.


When a DashboardView contains several list views, it is often required to make them dependent, e.g. display items of one ListView based on items or selection of another ListView.


Implementation Details

  1. Add a new ViewController to the YourSolutionName.Module project. For more information, refer to the following file: DashboardFilterController.cs.
  2. In the OnActivated method, retrieve DashboardViewItems via the FindItem method, and subscribe to the ControlCreated event of a DashboardViewItem whose ListView is used to filter data (hereinafter referred to as SourceView).
  3. In the ControlCreated event handler retrieve the SourceView via the DashboardViewItem.InnerView property and subscribe to its SelectionChanged event.
  4. In the SelectionChanged event handler, retrieve the View to be filtered (hereinafter referred to as TargetView) in the same way as the previous step.
  5. To get an object that is used for filtering, use the ListView.CurrentObject property.
  6. You can now add CriteriaOperator to the TargetView.CollectionSource.Criteria dictionary to filter the TargetView. In this example, we created an InOperator that uses SourceView objects to filter the AssignedTo column.

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ASP.NET WebForms Version

You can find the ASP.NET WebForms version of this example in the following branch: DevExpress-Examples/xaf-how-to-implement-dependent-views-in-a-dashboardview-filter-based-on-selection at 17.2.3+

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Example Code

using System; using System.Linq; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.Data.Filtering; using System.Collections.Generic; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule; using DXApplication4.Module.BusinessObjects; namespace Solution3.Module.Controllers { // For more typical usage scenarios, be sure to check out http://documentation.devexpress.com/#Xaf/clsDevExpressExpressAppViewControllertopic. public class DashboardFilterController : ViewController<DashboardView> { private const string DashboardViewId = "MyDashboardView"; private DashboardViewItem SourceItem; private DashboardViewItem TargetItem; private const string CriteriaName = "Test"; private void FilterDetailListView(ListView masterListView, ListView detailListView) { detailListView.CollectionSource.Criteria.Clear(); List<object> searchedObjects = new List<object>(); foreach (object obj in masterListView.SelectedObjects) { searchedObjects.Add(detailListView.ObjectSpace.GetKeyValue(obj)); } if (searchedObjects.Count > 0) { detailListView.CollectionSource.Criteria[CriteriaName] = CriteriaOperator.FromLambda<MyTask>(x => searchedObjects.Contains(x.AssignedTo.ID)); } } private void SourceItem_ControlCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { DashboardViewItem dashboardItem = (DashboardViewItem)sender; ListView innerListView = dashboardItem.InnerView as ListView; if (innerListView != null) { innerListView.SelectionChanged -= innerListView_SelectionChanged; innerListView.SelectionChanged += innerListView_SelectionChanged; } } private void innerListView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { FilterDetailListView((ListView)SourceItem.InnerView, (ListView)TargetItem.InnerView); } private void DisableNavigationActions(Frame frame) { RecordsNavigationController recordsNavigationController = frame.GetController<RecordsNavigationController>(); if (recordsNavigationController != null) { recordsNavigationController.Active.SetItemValue("DashboardFiltering", false); } } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); if (View.Id == DashboardViewId) { SourceItem = (DashboardViewItem)View.FindItem(FilterSourceID); TargetItem = (DashboardViewItem)View.FindItem(FilterTargetId); if (SourceItem != null) { SourceItem.ControlCreated += SourceItem_ControlCreated; } if (TargetItem != null) { if (TargetItem.Frame != null) { DisableNavigationActions(TargetItem.Frame); } else { TargetItem.ControlCreated += (s, e) => { DisableNavigationActions(TargetItem.Frame); }; } } } } protected override void OnDeactivated() { if (SourceItem != null) { SourceItem.ControlCreated -= SourceItem_ControlCreated; SourceItem = null; } TargetItem = null; base.OnDeactivated(); } public DashboardFilterController() { FilterSourceID = "ContactView"; FilterTargetId = "MyTaskView"; } public string FilterSourceID { get; set; } public string FilterTargetId { get; set; } } }

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