This example demonstrates how to implement a custom Go to Date dialog.
Implementation Details
- Call the SetGotoDateFormTemplateContent method to specify custom content for the Go to Date form. Add a single Calendar extension to the form.C#
settings.OptionsForms.SetGotoDateFormTemplateContent(c => { Html.DevExpress().Calendar(calendarSettings => { calendarSettings.Name = "calendar"; calendarSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.SelectionChanged = "OnCalendarSelectionChanged"; calendarSettings.Properties.ShowClearButton = false; }).Bind(c.Date).Render(); });
- Specify the CalendarClientSideEvents.SelectionChanged property to subscribe to selection changes in the calendar. The event handler calls the ASPxClientScheduler.GoToDateFormApply method to initiate a callback to the server.Code
function OnCalendarSelectionChanged(s, e){ gotoDateCallback = true; scheduler.GoToDateFormApply(); }
- Handle the MVCxSchedulerClientSideEvents.BeginCallback event to obtain a new date from the calendar and pass it to the server.Code
function OnSchedulerBeginCallback(s, e){ if(gotoDateCallback){ e.customArgs["NewDate"] = calendar.GetValueString(); gotoDateCallback = false; } }
- Implement a special callback command to handle this request properly. Create a
class successor and override itsParseParameters
methods. In theExecuteCore
method, call methods of the IDateTimeNavigationService interface to perform date navigation in the scheduler.C#public class MVCxSchedulerGotoDateFormCallbackCommand: GotoDateFormCallbackCommand { public MVCxSchedulerGotoDateFormCallbackCommand(MVCxScheduler control) : base(control) { } public new DateTime NewDate { get; protected set; } protected override void ParseParameters(string parameters) { string rawDate = HttpContext.Current.Request["NewDate"]; NewDate = DateTime.Parse(rawDate); } protected override void ExecuteCore() { IDateTimeNavigationService service = (IDateTimeNavigationService)Control.GetService(typeof(IDateTimeNavigationService)); if (service != null) service.GoToDate(NewDate); } }
- Create a delegate method for the SchedulerSettings.BeforeExecuteCallback property to execute your custom command instead of the default command when the
command is queried for execution.C#settings.BeforeExecuteCallbackCommand = (sender, e) => { if(e.CommandId == SchedulerCallbackCommandId.GotoDateForm) e.Command = new MVCxSchedulerGotoDateFormCallbackCommand((MVCxScheduler)sender); };
Files to Review
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Example Code
C#using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections;
using DevExpress.Web.Mvc;
using System.Configuration;
namespace Scheduler.CustomizationGotoDateForm.Models
public static class SchedulingDBDataProvider
const string SchedulingDBDataContextKey = "DXNorthwindDataContext";
public static SchedulingDataClassesDataContext DB
if (HttpContext.Current.Items[SchedulingDBDataContextKey] == null)
SchedulingDataClassesDataContext context = new SchedulingDataClassesDataContext();
HttpContext.Current.Items[SchedulingDBDataContextKey] = new SchedulingDataClassesDataContext();
return (SchedulingDataClassesDataContext)HttpContext.Current.Items[SchedulingDBDataContextKey];
public static IEnumerable GetResources()
return from res in DB.DBResources where res.ResourceID < 6 select new { ID = res.ResourceID, Model = res.ResourceName };
public static IList<Schedule> GetAppointments()
string key = "Apts";
IList<Schedule> carScheduling = (IList<Schedule>)HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
if (carScheduling == null)
carScheduling = (from schedule in DB.DBAppointments
select new Schedule()
ID = schedule.UniqueID,
Subject = schedule.Subject,
Description = schedule.Description,
StartTime = schedule.StartDate,
EndTime = schedule.EndDate,
EventType = schedule.Type,
Label = schedule.Label,
AllDay = (bool)schedule.AllDay,
Location = schedule.Location,
ResourceID = schedule.ResourceID.ToString(),
Status = schedule.Status,
RecurrenceInfo = schedule.RecurrenceInfo
HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = carScheduling;
return carScheduling;
public static void InsertSchedule(Schedule schedule)
if (schedule == null)
Schedule editableSchedule = new Schedule();
editableSchedule.ID = GenerateScheduleID();
public static void UpdateSchedule(Schedule schedule)
if (schedule == null)
Schedule editableSchedule = GetScheduleByID(schedule.ID);
public static void DeleteCarScheduling(Schedule schedule)
if (schedule == null)
Schedule editableSchedule = GetScheduleByID(schedule.ID);
if (editableSchedule != null)
public static Schedule GetScheduleByID(int id)
return (from schedule in GetAppointments() where schedule.ID == id select schedule).FirstOrDefault();
static int GenerateScheduleID()
IList<Schedule> carScheduling = GetAppointments();
return (carScheduling.Count() > 0) ? carScheduling.Last().ID + 1 : 0;
public class Schedule
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Subject { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime? StartTime { get; set; }
public DateTime? EndTime { get; set; }
public int? EventType { get; set; }
public int? Label { get; set; }
public bool AllDay { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public string ResourceID { get; set; }
public int? Status { get; set; }
public string RecurrenceInfo { get; set; }
public virtual void Assign(Schedule schedule)
if (schedule == null)
ID = schedule.ID;
Subject = schedule.Subject;
Description = schedule.Description;
StartTime = schedule.StartTime;
EndTime = schedule.EndTime;
EventType = schedule.EventType;
Label = schedule.Label;
AllDay = schedule.AllDay;
Location = schedule.Location;
ResourceID = schedule.ResourceID;
Status = schedule.Status;
RecurrenceInfo = schedule.RecurrenceInfo;
public class SchedulerDataObject
public IEnumerable Appointments { get; set; }
public IEnumerable Resources { get; set; }
public class SchedulerHelper
static MVCxAppointmentStorage appointmentStorage;
public static MVCxAppointmentStorage AppointmentStorage
if (appointmentStorage == null)
appointmentStorage = CreateAppointmentStorage();
return appointmentStorage;
static MVCxAppointmentStorage CreateAppointmentStorage()
MVCxAppointmentStorage appointmentStorage = new MVCxAppointmentStorage();
appointmentStorage.Mappings.AppointmentId = "ID";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Start = "StartTime";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.End = "EndTime";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Subject = "Subject";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Description = "Description";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Location = "Location";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.AllDay = "AllDay";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Type = "EventType";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.RecurrenceInfo = "RecurrenceInfo";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.ReminderInfo = "ReminderInfo";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Label = "Label";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.Status = "Status";
appointmentStorage.Mappings.ResourceId = "CarId";
return appointmentStorage;
static MVCxResourceStorage resourceStorage;
public static MVCxResourceStorage ResourceStorage
if (resourceStorage == null)
resourceStorage = CreateResourceStorage();
return resourceStorage;
static MVCxResourceStorage CreateResourceStorage()
MVCxResourceStorage resourceStorage = new MVCxResourceStorage();
resourceStorage.Mappings.ResourceId = "ID";
resourceStorage.Mappings.Caption = "Model";
return resourceStorage;
public static SchedulerDataObject DataObject
return new SchedulerDataObject()
Appointments = SchedulingDBDataProvider.GetAppointments(),
Resources = SchedulingDBDataProvider.GetResources()
Razor@model SchedulerDataObject
ViewBag.Title = "Scheduler";
<script type="text/javascript">
var gotoDateCallback = false;
function OnCalendarSelectionChanged(s, e){
gotoDateCallback = true;
function OnSchedulerBeginCallback(s, e){
e.customArgs["NewDate"] = calendar.GetValueString();
gotoDateCallback = false;
@Html.Partial("SchedulerPartial", Model)
Razor@using Scheduler.CustomizationGotoDateForm.ExtensionHelpers
settings => {
settings.Name = "scheduler";
settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Scheduler", Action = "SchedulerPartial" };
settings.EditAppointmentRouteValues = new { Controller = "Scheduler", Action = "EditAppointmentAction" };
settings.Width = 800;
settings.Start = new DateTime(2012, 05, 14);
settings.Views.DayView.Styles.ScrollAreaHeight = 300;
settings.ClientSideEvents.BeginCallback = "OnSchedulerBeginCallback";
settings.BeforeExecuteCallbackCommand = (sender, e) => {
if(e.CommandId == SchedulerCallbackCommandId.GotoDateForm)
e.Command = new MVCxSchedulerGotoDateFormCallbackCommand((MVCxScheduler)sender);
settings.OptionsForms.SetGotoDateFormTemplateContent(c => {
Html.DevExpress().Calendar(calendarSettings => {
calendarSettings.Name = "calendar";
calendarSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.SelectionChanged = "OnCalendarSelectionChanged";
calendarSettings.Properties.ShowClearButton = false;
}).Bind(Model.Appointments, Model.Resources).GetHtml()