Example E2782
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WinForms Scheduler - Create an appointment edit form with custom fields

Custom fields allow you to display arbitrary information with appointments. This example shows how to use custom fields to display, edit, and save arbitrary information. The application uses an MS Access database as a data source.

In this example:

  • Custom field mappings are set up at design time using the Mapping Wizard.
  • The InitNewAppointment event is handled to initialize custom fields.
  • The AppointmentInserting and AppointmentChanging events are handled to log changes and to prevent certain appointments from being created or modified.
  • A custom appointment form is implemented. The form derives form the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.UI.AppointmentForm class and includes additional UI controls that correspond to custom fields.
  • A custom form controller that loads and saves custom fields is implemented. The form controller derives from the DevExpress.XtraScheduler.UI.AppointmentFormController class and overrides certain methods.


See Also

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