Example E269
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How to persist metadata

Files to look at:

This example shows how to dynamically create persistent classes and properties, and to reuse XPO to store this information. The example is of a high level of complexity. Only advanced users may be interested in it, if they create a framework with XPO and allow their end-users to create or customize data objects and properties.

See Also:
How to define a persistent class at runtime

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Example Code

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using DevExpress.Xpo; using DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata; namespace PersistentMetadata { [NonPersistent] public class MyBaseObject : XPObject { public MyBaseObject(Session session, XPClassInfo classInfo) : base(session, classInfo) { } } public abstract class PersistentTypeInfo : XPObject { public PersistentTypeInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } string _Name; public string Name { get { return _Name; } set { SetPropertyValue("Name", ref _Name, value); } } [Association] public XPCollection<PersistentAttributeInfo> TypeAttributes { get { return GetCollection<PersistentAttributeInfo>("TypeAttributes"); } } protected void CreateAttributes(XPTypeInfo ti) { foreach(PersistentAttributeInfo a in TypeAttributes) { ti.AddAttribute(a.Create()); } } } public class PersistentClassInfo : PersistentTypeInfo { public static void FillDictionary(XPDictionary dictionary, ICollection<PersistentClassInfo> data) { foreach(PersistentClassInfo twc in data) { twc.CreateClass(dictionary); } foreach(PersistentClassInfo twc in data) { twc.CreateMembers(dictionary); } } public const string AssemblyName = ""; public PersistentClassInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } protected virtual Type GetDefaultBaseClass() { return typeof(MyBaseObject); } public XPClassInfo CreateClass(XPDictionary dictionary) { XPClassInfo result = dictionary.QueryClassInfo(AssemblyName, Name); if(result == null) { XPClassInfo baseClassInfo; if(BaseClass != null) baseClassInfo = BaseClass.CreateClass(dictionary); else baseClassInfo = dictionary.GetClassInfo(GetDefaultBaseClass()); result = dictionary.CreateClass(baseClassInfo, Name); CreateAttributes(result); } return result; } void CreateMembers(XPDictionary dictionary) { XPClassInfo ci = dictionary.GetClassInfo(AssemblyName, Name); foreach(PersistentMemberInfo mi in OwnMembers) { mi.CreateMember(ci); } } PersistentClassInfo _BaseClass; public PersistentClassInfo BaseClass { get { return _BaseClass; } set { SetPropertyValue("BaseClass", ref _BaseClass, value); } } [Association] public XPCollection<PersistentMemberInfo> OwnMembers { get { return GetCollection<PersistentMemberInfo>("OwnMembers"); } } } public abstract class PersistentMemberInfo : PersistentTypeInfo { public PersistentMemberInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } internal XPMemberInfo CreateMember(XPClassInfo owner) { XPMemberInfo result = owner.FindMember(Name); if(result == null) result = CreateMemberCore(owner); CreateAttributes(result); return result; } protected abstract XPMemberInfo CreateMemberCore(XPClassInfo owner); PersistentClassInfo _Owner; [Association] public PersistentClassInfo Owner { get { return _Owner; } set { SetPropertyValue("Owner", ref _Owner, value); } } } public class PersistentReferenceMemberInfo : PersistentMemberInfo { public PersistentReferenceMemberInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } PersistentClassInfo _ReferenceType; public PersistentClassInfo ReferenceType { get { return _ReferenceType; } set { SetPropertyValue("ReferenceType", ref _ReferenceType, value); } } protected override XPMemberInfo CreateMemberCore(XPClassInfo owner) { XPMemberInfo member = owner.CreateMember(Name, ReferenceType.CreateClass(owner.Dictionary)); return member; } } public class PersistentCollectionMemberInfo : PersistentMemberInfo { public PersistentCollectionMemberInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } protected override XPMemberInfo CreateMemberCore(XPClassInfo owner) { return owner.CreateMember(Name, typeof(XPCollection), true); } } public class PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo : PersistentMemberInfo { public PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } string _TypeName; public string TypeName { get { return _TypeName; } set { SetPropertyValue("TypeName", ref _TypeName, value); } } protected override XPMemberInfo CreateMemberCore(XPClassInfo owner) { return owner.CreateMember(Name, Type.GetType(TypeName, true)); } } public abstract class PersistentAttributeInfo : XPObject { public PersistentAttributeInfo(Session session) : base(session) { } public abstract Attribute Create(); PersistentTypeInfo _Owner; [Association] public PersistentTypeInfo Owner { get { return _Owner; } set { SetPropertyValue("Owner", ref _Owner, value); } } } public class PersistentAssociationAttribute : PersistentAttributeInfo { public PersistentAssociationAttribute(Session session) : base(session) { } string _an; public string AssociationName { get { return _an; } set { SetPropertyValue("AssociationName", ref _an, value); } } string _ean; public string ElementAssemblyName { get { return _ean; } set { SetPropertyValue("ElementAssemblyName", ref _ean, value); } } string _etn; public string ElementTypeName { get { return _etn; } set { SetPropertyValue("ElementTypeName", ref _etn, value); } } public override Attribute Create() { return new AssociationAttribute(AssociationName, ElementAssemblyName, ElementTypeName); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using DevExpress.Xpo; using DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata; using DevExpress.Xpo.DB; using System.Collections; namespace PersistentMetadata { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { new PersistentMetadataExample().Execute(); } } public class PersistentMetadataExample { public void Execute() { InitDataLayers(); CreateMetadata(); CreateDatabaseAndDefaultData(); LoadData(); } IDataLayer metadataStorage, dataStorage; void InitDataLayers() { string metadataFileName = "Metadata.xml"; string dataFileName = "Data.mdb"; if(File.Exists(metadataFileName)) File.Delete(metadataFileName); if(File.Exists(dataFileName)) File.Delete(dataFileName); metadataStorage = XpoDefault.GetDataLayer(InMemoryDataStore.GetConnectionString(metadataFileName), AutoCreateOption.DatabaseAndSchema); dataStorage = XpoDefault.GetDataLayer(AccessConnectionProvider.GetConnectionString(dataFileName), AutoCreateOption.DatabaseAndSchema); } void CreateMetadata() { using(UnitOfWork uof = new UnitOfWork(metadataStorage)) { PersistentClassInfo classCustomer = new PersistentClassInfo(uof); classCustomer.Name = "Customer"; PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo propFullName = new PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo(uof); propFullName.Name = "FullName"; propFullName.TypeName = typeof(string).FullName; classCustomer.OwnMembers.Add(propFullName); PersistentCollectionMemberInfo propOrders = new PersistentCollectionMemberInfo(uof); propOrders.Name = "Orders"; classCustomer.OwnMembers.Add(propOrders); PersistentAssociationAttribute attrCustomerOrders = new PersistentAssociationAttribute(uof); attrCustomerOrders.ElementTypeName = "Order"; propOrders.TypeAttributes.Add(attrCustomerOrders); PersistentClassInfo classOrder = new PersistentClassInfo(uof); classOrder.Name = "Order"; PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo propOrderDate = new PersistentCoreTypeMemberInfo(uof); propOrderDate.Name = "OrderDate"; propOrderDate.TypeName = typeof(DateTime).FullName; classOrder.OwnMembers.Add(propOrderDate); PersistentReferenceMemberInfo propCustomer = new PersistentReferenceMemberInfo(uof); propCustomer.Name = "Customer"; propCustomer.ReferenceType = classCustomer; classOrder.OwnMembers.Add(propCustomer); PersistentAssociationAttribute attrOrdersCustomer = new PersistentAssociationAttribute(uof); propCustomer.TypeAttributes.Add(attrOrdersCustomer); uof.CommitChanges(); } } void InitDataDictionary(UnitOfWork dataSession) { using(UnitOfWork metadataSession = new UnitOfWork(metadataStorage)) { XPCollection<PersistentClassInfo> classes = new XPCollection<PersistentClassInfo>(metadataSession); PersistentClassInfo.FillDictionary(dataSession.Dictionary, classes); } } readonly int OrderCount = 1; readonly DateTime OrderDate = DateTime.Today; void CreateDatabaseAndDefaultData() { using(UnitOfWork dataSession = new UnitOfWork(dataStorage)) { InitDataDictionary(dataSession); dataSession.UpdateSchema(dataSession.GetClassInfo(null, "Customer"), dataSession.GetClassInfo(null, "Order")); XPClassInfo classCustomer = dataSession.GetClassInfo("", "Customer"); XPBaseObject customer = (XPBaseObject)classCustomer.CreateNewObject(dataSession); customer.SetMemberValue("FullName", "John Doe"); for(int i = 0; i < OrderCount; i++) { XPClassInfo classOrder = dataSession.GetClassInfo("", "Order"); XPBaseObject order = (XPBaseObject)classOrder.CreateNewObject(dataSession); order.SetMemberValue("OrderDate", OrderDate); order.SetMemberValue("Customer", customer); } dataSession.CommitChanges(); } } void LoadData() { using(UnitOfWork dataSession = new UnitOfWork(dataStorage)) { InitDataDictionary(dataSession); XPClassInfo classCustomer = dataSession.GetClassInfo("", "Customer"); XPBaseObject customer = (XPBaseObject)dataSession.FindObject(classCustomer, null); IList orders = (IList)customer.GetMemberValue("Orders"); } } } }

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