Example E1977
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How to create a custom WinForms action type with a custom control (BarCheckItem), associated with it

This example demonstrates how to represent an action via BarCheckItem. For this purpose, a SimpleAction descendant ( CheckableSimpleAction ) is implemented, because it is required to save the checked state of the action. To represent a custom action in a UI, the BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl is used. To bind an abstract action to its UI representation, a custom CheckableSimpleActionBinding is created. The binding operation is performed by CustomActionControlController.

Note that in most cases, it is not required to implement a custom action and action item. It is sufficient to customize the existing action control as described in the How to: Customize Controls Associated with an Action topic.

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Example Code

using System; using System.ComponentModel; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; namespace CustomActionControl.Module { public class CheckableSimpleAction : SimpleAction { private bool _Checked = false; private void OnCheckedStateChanged() { if(CheckedStateChanged != null) { CheckedStateChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public CheckableSimpleAction(IContainer container) : base(container) { } public CheckableSimpleAction(Controller owner, string id, PredefinedCategory category) : base(owner, id, category) { } public bool Checked { get { return _Checked; } set { if(_Checked != value) { _Checked = value; OnCheckedStateChanged(); if(Enabled.ResultValue && Active.ResultValue) { DoExecute(); } } } } public event EventHandler CheckedStateChanged; } }
using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Templates.Bars.ActionControls; using DevExpress.XtraBars; namespace CustomActionControl.Module.Win.ActionControls { public class BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl : BarItemActionControl<BarCheckItem> { private void BarItem_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs args) { RaiseExecute(); } protected override void OnEndInit() { base.OnEndInit(); BarItem.ItemClick += BarItem_ItemClick; } protected void RaiseExecute() { if(IsConfirmed() && Execute != null) { Execute(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl() { } public BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl(string actionId, BarCheckItem item) : base(actionId, item) { } public bool Checked { get { return BarItem.Checked; } set { BarItem.Checked = value; } } public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Execute; } }
using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Templates.ActionControls.Binding; namespace CustomActionControl.Module.Win.ActionControls { public class CheckableSimpleActionBinding : ActionBinding { private void Action_CheckedStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ActionControl.Checked = Action.Checked; } private void ActionControl_Execute(object sender, EventArgs e) { Action.Checked = !Action.Checked; } public CheckableSimpleActionBinding(CheckableSimpleAction action, BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl actionControl) : base(action, actionControl) { ActionControl.Execute += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(ActionControl_Execute); Action.CheckedStateChanged += new EventHandler(Action_CheckedStateChanged); ActionControl.Checked = Action.Checked; } public override void Dispose() { ActionControl.Execute -= new EventHandler<EventArgs>(ActionControl_Execute); Action.CheckedStateChanged -= new EventHandler(Action_CheckedStateChanged); base.Dispose(); } public new CheckableSimpleAction Action { get { return (CheckableSimpleAction)base.Action; } } public new BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl ActionControl { get { return (BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl)base.ActionControl; } } } }
using System; using CustomActionControl.Module.Win.ActionControls; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Templates.ActionControls; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Templates.ActionControls.Binding; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Templates.Bars.ActionControls; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Templates.Ribbon.ActionControls; using DevExpress.XtraBars; namespace CustomActionControl.Module.Win.Controllers { public class CustomActionControlController : Controller { private void actionControlsSiteController_CustomAddActionControlToContainer(object sender, CustomAddActionControlEventArgs e) { if(e.Action is CheckableSimpleAction) { if(e.Container is BarLinkActionControlContainer) { BarLinkActionControlContainer container = (BarLinkActionControlContainer)e.Container; IActionControl actionControl = CreateActionControl(e.Action.Id, container.BarContainerItem); container.AddActionControl(actionControl); e.Handled = true; } if(e.Container is RibbonGroupActionControlContainer) { RibbonGroupActionControlContainer container = (RibbonGroupActionControlContainer)e.Container; IActionControl actionControl = CreateActionControl(e.Action.Id, container.RibbonGroup.ItemLinks); container.AddActionControl(actionControl); e.Handled = true; } } } private BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl CreateActionControl(string id, BarLinksHolder barLinksHolder) { BarCheckItem barCheckItem = new BarCheckItem(barLinksHolder.Manager); barCheckItem.CausesValidation = true; barLinksHolder.AddItem(barCheckItem); return new BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl(id, barCheckItem); } private void actionControlsSiteController_CustomBindActionControlToAction(object sender, CustomBindEventArgs e) { if(e.Action is CheckableSimpleAction && e.ActionControl is BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl) { e.Binding = new CheckableSimpleActionBinding((CheckableSimpleAction)e.Action, (BarCheckItemCheckableSimpleActionControl)e.ActionControl); } } protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); ActionControlsSiteController actionControlsSiteController = Frame.GetController<ActionControlsSiteController>(); if (actionControlsSiteController != null) { actionControlsSiteController.CustomAddActionControlToContainer += new EventHandler<CustomAddActionControlEventArgs>(actionControlsSiteController_CustomAddActionControlToContainer); actionControlsSiteController.CustomBindActionControlToAction += new EventHandler<CustomBindEventArgs>(actionControlsSiteController_CustomBindActionControlToAction); } } protected override void OnDeactivated() { ActionControlsSiteController actionControlsSiteController = Frame.GetController<ActionControlsSiteController>(); if (actionControlsSiteController != null) { actionControlsSiteController.CustomAddActionControlToContainer -= new EventHandler<CustomAddActionControlEventArgs>(actionControlsSiteController_CustomAddActionControlToContainer); actionControlsSiteController.CustomBindActionControlToAction -= new EventHandler<CustomBindEventArgs>(actionControlsSiteController_CustomBindActionControlToAction); } base.OnDeactivated(); } } }

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