Example E1807
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XAF - How to display a collection property as a checked list box

This example illustrates how to display a collection property as a checked list box in XAF applications.


The example application:

  • Shows the collection of all existing Detail objects as a checked list box.
  • Allows you to link/unlink child Detail records to/from the Master object using checkboxes.

Implementation Details

  1. Implement Master and Detail business object classes, where Master contains a collection of Detail objects.
  2. Copy the implementation of one of the following custom property editors:
  3. Run the application.
  4. Create several Detail objects, then create a new Master object. You can link/unlink existing Detail objects using editor checkboxes.

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Example Code

using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace CheckedListEF.Module { [DefaultClassOptions] public class Master : BaseObject { public virtual string MasterName { get; set; } public virtual IList<Detail> Details { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<Detail>(); } }
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base; using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF; using DevExpress.Xpo; namespace CheckedListEF.Module { [DefaultClassOptions] public class Detail : BaseObject , IComparable { public virtual string DetailName { get; set; } public int CompareTo(object obj) { return this.ID.CompareTo(((Detail)obj).ID); } } }
using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Editors; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.XtraEditors; using System.Windows.Forms; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model; using CheckedListEF.Module; using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections; namespace CheckedList.Module.Win { [PropertyEditor(typeof(IList<Object>), false)] public class WinCheckedListBoxPropertyEditor : WinPropertyEditor, IComplexViewItem { public WinCheckedListBoxPropertyEditor(Type objectType, IModelMemberViewItem model) : base(objectType, model) { } protected override object CreateControlCore() { return new CheckedListBoxControl(); } IList checkedItems; XafApplication application; IObjectSpace objectSpace; protected override void ReadValueCore() { base.ReadValueCore(); Control.ItemCheck -= new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ItemCheckEventHandler(control_ItemCheck); checkedItems = (IList)PropertyValue; List<Object> dataSource = objectSpace.GetObjects(MemberInfo.ListElementTypeInfo.Type).Cast<Object>().ToList(); Control.DataSource = dataSource; IModelClass classInfo = application.Model.BOModel.GetClass(MemberInfo.ListElementTypeInfo.Type); Control.DisplayMember = classInfo.DefaultProperty; foreach (object obj in checkedItems) { Control.SetItemChecked(dataSource.IndexOf(obj), true); } Control.ItemCheck += new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ItemCheckEventHandler(control_ItemCheck); // } } void control_ItemCheck(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ItemCheckEventArgs e) { object obj = Control.GetItemValue(e.Index); switch (e.State) { case CheckState.Checked: checkedItems.Add(obj); break; case CheckState.Unchecked: checkedItems.Remove(obj); break; } OnControlValueChanged(); objectSpace.SetModified(CurrentObject); } public new CheckedListBoxControl Control { get { return (CheckedListBoxControl)base.Control; } } #region IComplexPropertyEditor Members public void Setup(IObjectSpace objectSpace, XafApplication application) { this.application = application; this.objectSpace = objectSpace; } #endregion } }

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