Files to look at:
The following example demonstrates how to create a 3D Pie chart at runtime.
Note that this series view type is associated with the Simple Diagram 3D type, and you should cast your diagram object to this type, in order to access its specific options.
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Example Code
C#using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts;
// ...
namespace _DPieChart {
public partial class Form1: Form {
public Form1() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Create an empty chart.
ChartControl PieChart3D = new ChartControl();
// Create a pie series.
Series series1 = new Series("Pie Series 1", ViewType.Pie3D);
// Populate the series with points.
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("Russia", 17.0752));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("Canada", 9.98467));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("USA", 9.63142));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("China", 9.59696));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("Brazil", 8.511965));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("Australia", 7.68685));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("India", 3.28759));
series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("Others", 81.2));
// Add the series to the chart.
// Adjust the value numeric options of the series.
series1.Label.TextPattern = "{VP:p0}";
// Adjust the view-type-specific options of the series.
((Pie3DSeriesView)series1.View).Depth = 30;
((Pie3DSeriesView)series1.View).ExplodedDistancePercentage = 30;
// Access the diagram's options.
((SimpleDiagram3D)PieChart3D.Diagram).RotationType = RotationType.UseAngles;
((SimpleDiagram3D)PieChart3D.Diagram).RotationAngleX = -35;
// Add a title to the chart and hide the legend.
ChartTitle chartTitle1 = new ChartTitle();
chartTitle1.Text = "3D Pie Chart";
PieChart3D.Legend.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False;
// Add the chart to the form.
PieChart3D.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;