Hi guys.
Great products! The more I use, the more I am amazed.
Any comments on using XtraReports on Linux/Mono/Apache for Web reporting?
In other words, do you think it will work and if so, what are the problems/difficuilties that you are aware of and/or forsee? - Be honest.
- Edward
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Hi Edward,
Thank you for your compliments regarding our Suites, we appreciate them greatly.
The current version of our Suites does not support Mono. We have a suggestion to support this platform in the future. However, for now Mono does not completely support Windows Forms:
Hi Plato:
I am aware that it doesn't support windows forms, I read that in your other posts.
I am asking about WEB reporting (i.e., serving .aspx pages with XtraReports) on Mono/Linux/Apache.
- Edward
Hi Edward,
Sorry, we have not tested our solutions under such environments. We will post more info here soon.
Hi Edward,
We have tried to run a simple report under Linux/Mono/Apache and failed having received an error when the report's engine called a GDI+ function. So, it looke like, it is currently impossible to use Reports under such an environment.
Hi Plato:
Thank you for the effort/response.
Customer service is exceptional.
- Edward
Sorry that we were not helpful this time though, Edward. You may wish to post a suggestion in this regard. This way you will be automatically notified once our team is ready to implement Mono support.