To enhance security, DevExpress .NET Desktop controls automatically detect potentially unsafe data types and block their deserialization. (v19.1+)
As part of this security-related enhancement, we also changed (de)serialization behavior for the following settings:
- Tag property (for multiple controls)
- Data Grid sort and group configuration (ColumnView.SortInfo), and MRU filters (ColumnView.MRUFilters).
De(serialization) of the ColumnView.SortInfo and ColumnView.MRUFilters properties
In previous versions, these properties were (de)serialized in a binary format. With v19.1+, these properties are (de)serialized in text format.
In patched versions, controls can load sort and group settings saved in binary format. However, when you save control sort and group settings, they are now serialized in text format.
MRU filter history (previously saved in binary format) cannot be restored after an upgrade to v19.1 - these settings are now (de)serialized in text format.