Breaking Change BC4047
Visible to All Users

Cards displayed in the Web Dashboard use a new layout by default

With v17.1, the CardDashboardItem allows you to arrange elements within individual cards using different layout types (Autofit, Compact, etc.). By default, the CardDashboardItem now uses the Autofit  layout type that arranges card elements so that they occupy an entire card area. The image below shows changes in the UI of our Sales Details demo containing the CardDashboardItem:

The ASPxDashboard.UseCardLegacyLayout / DashboardExtensionSettings.UseCardLegacyLayoutproperties allow you to create cards in a legacy layout using the Designer mode of the Web Dashboard. To use a legacy layout for the CardDashboardItem created in code, assign a null value to the Card.LayoutTemplate property.
Note that if you load a dashboard XML file created before v17.1, cards will be displayed in an old layout. To display such cards using a new layout, specify the required layout type in the UI or in code.

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