Bug Report B35193
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Solution from the S30962 suggestion - Collections are not visible in reports.

created 16 years ago
Show previous comments (24)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    Hello Noxe,
    Thanks for the feedback. My final research shows that there is no other good ways to have the server mode in nested ListView. The only acceptable workarounds are listed above. They have some limitations which cannot be solved in the current version of the suite. This is bad, but this is how things are now.
    I played with the ServerCollectionSource and arrived at the mix between this class and the PropertyCollectionSource. Then I found that in the current version I can use my class to substitute the default PropertyCollectionSource only in Windows Forms applications (the fact is that in our Web code we strongly tied to the ServerCollectionSource). Finally, I plugged in my custom collection source into the Win application:


    The good thing is that it worked fast like it should, and also with normal XPCollection property within my Master class:

    [Association("Master-Details")] public XPCollection<Detail> Details { get { return GetCollection<Detail>("Details"); } }

    The bad thing is that after more testing I have found some issues with the LinkUnlinkController that threw the "Specified method is not supported." errors when I tried to use its functionality. This seems to be a show stopper in using my solution, and I cannot recommend it anymore.
    I'm also not sure whether this is just one bug and the remainder of the functionality will work. Obviously, there will be other problems that will be exposed in more complex scenarios.
    Just FYI, I have attached the source of the ServerPropertyCollectionSource class in case you disable the link functionality and test how this works.
    I understand how important it is for you to have fast nested list views, but currently this is all what we have and all that I can do myself for you. Please continue tracking the Performance - Support fast operation with large amount of data in a nested and lookup List View (turn on server mode) suggestion to be automatically notified when we come up with native support of this scenario.

    M M
    Martin Praxmarer - DevExpress MVP 16 years ago

      Hi Dennis,
      thank you for your research and for the Example. I hope this Issue is finally addressed for at least 9.3 …

      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

        Thanks for the feedback, Noxe. We are always happy to help you.

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