Bug Report B159158
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VGridControl - The height of the several multiline rows is not calculated correctly

created 14 years ago

I have 2 rows.
the text in the first row correctly wraps in the memo edit according to the row width.
however, the text in the second row does not word wrap.
Not sure if the setting RecordWidth manually will affect this.
i'm on version 9.1

Comments (3)
Anatol (DevExpress) 14 years ago

    Hello Anthony,
    I have not managed to reproduce this problem. Please see my test project in the attachment. Does the problem occur in it on your machine? If so, please try to update our components. Otherwise, please provide a sample project, reproducing it.

    Unknown 14 years ago

      I believe the problem arises when I do some custom painting to draw an icon in the cell. see attached sample.

      Anatol (DevExpress) 14 years ago

        Hello Anthony,
        Thank you for your sample. The problem occurs, because the MemoEdit is not used in the CustomDrawRowValueCell event handler, were you are painting cells in a custom manner. Since the e.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap property is set to Default, the e.Appearance.DrawString method draws strings without word wrapping. To solve the problem, set the TextOptions.WordWrap property of the e.Appearance, EditorRow.Appearance or VGridControl.Appearance.RecordValue AppearanceObject to Wrap.

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